
About the author

Reasons Your Dreams Never Come True

Reasons Your Dreams Never Come True. Try to keep track of how many times you've heard the phrase "No regrets, no excuses" or have...

Why Contemporary Women Avoid Pregnancy

Why Contemporary Women Avoid Pregnancy. Mothering has always been the primary job for women.  Women were biologically and psychologically designed to procreate.  Many females may recall...

Symptoms Your Exercise Relationship Is Toxic

Symptoms Your Exercise Relationship Is Toxic. Workout videos, influencers who are obsessed with the gym, and fitnessgoals are frequently inundated in our social media...

Invisible Signs You’re Hiding Your Emotions

Invisible Signs You're Hiding Your Emotions. Because it's simpler, it's common for us to suppress and hide our feelings. However, it's crucial to recognize...

Being Honest And Why People Love you For It.

Being Honest And Why People Love you For It. Transparency is a crucial element of trust.Most of us anticipate complete transparency from everyone in...

10 Simple Habits to Enhance Your Attractiveness

10 Simple Habits to Enhance Your Attractiveness. Although we don't admit it, everyone secretly wishes they were more gorgeous.No, not with a flawless face...

Criteria which people evaluate you at first contact

Criteria which people evaluate you at first contact. Dating may be awful no matter how many apps you use or how diligent you are...

Becoming Wiser, Productive And Better Friend

Becoming Wiser, Productive And Better Friend. What consequences can multitasking have? Multitasking is nothing more than attention splitting. Every time we go from one task...

Harmonizing the Masculine and Feminine Energy.

Harmonizing the Masculine and Feminine Energy. Although it may sound dated, this has nothing to do with a person's gender.There is a mix of...

Guidelines to follow in your marriage to improve.

Guidelines to follow in your marriage to improve things. I have learned from working with many couples over the years that there are several...

How To Attract (And Hold) A Woman’s Attention!

How To Attract (And Hold) A Woman's Attention! I have to say that, as a man, the majority of men are lousy flirts.Are there...

What Arouses Jealousy In 77% Of Women?

What Arouses Jealousy In 77% Of Women? Women have had a reputation for being envious and cattish for as long as we can remember.It's...
