

14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey

14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey Content creator Eddie Butita was ecstatic after meeting American television host Steve Harvey. Butita is part of the delegation...

Inside Ruto’s Luxe Jet for Historic U.S Visit (Photos)

Inside Ruto’s Luxe Jet for Historic U.S Visit (Photos) On Sunday evening, President William Ruto began a significant state visit to the United States. He is...

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14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey

14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey Content creator Eddie Butita was ecstatic after meeting American television host Steve Harvey. Butita is part of the delegation...

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14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey

14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey Content creator Eddie Butita was ecstatic after meeting American television host Steve Harvey. Butita is part of the delegation...

Pauline Njoroge’s Background: Early Life, Struggles, and Rise to Influence

Pauline Njoroge's Background: Early Life, Struggles, and Rise to Influence Pauline Njoroge is a well-known blogger, digital strategist, and social media influencer, recognized for her insights on...

Inside Ruto’s Luxe Jet for Historic U.S Visit (Photos)

Inside Ruto’s Luxe Jet for Historic U.S Visit (Photos) On Sunday evening, President William Ruto began a significant state visit to the United States. He is...

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14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey

14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey Content creator Eddie Butita was ecstatic after meeting American television host Steve Harvey. Butita is part of the delegation...

Pauline Njoroge’s Background: Early Life, Struggles, and Rise to Influence

Pauline Njoroge's Background: Early Life, Struggles, and Rise to Influence Pauline Njoroge is a well-known blogger, digital strategist, and social media influencer, recognized for her insights on...

Inside Ruto’s Luxe Jet for Historic U.S Visit (Photos)

Inside Ruto’s Luxe Jet for Historic U.S Visit (Photos) On Sunday evening, President William Ruto began a significant state visit to the United States. He is...

Unveiling Freshly Mwamburi: The Njau Njoka Connection & the Story Behind “Stella Wangu”

Unveiling Freshly Mwamburi: The Njau Njoka Connection & the Story Behind "Stella Wangu" In his songs, Mwamburi frequently references Engineer Njau Njoka, a figure unfamiliar...

President William Ruto Spotted Rocking Ksh186,300 Cartier Sunglasses

President William Ruto Spotted Rocking Ksh186,300 Cartier Sunglasses Could President William Ruto be the proud owner of a prestigious pair of Cartier sunglasses? Recently, President Ruto...

Kalonzo Musyoka’s Son Ties Knot with County Official, Raila Odinga Attends Ceremony

Kalonzo Musyoka's Son Ties Knot with County Official, Raila Odinga Attends Ceremony Kalonzo Musyoka's son, Kelvin Muasya, who is a co-principal of Azimio La Umoja-One...

Inside the Entrepreneurial Empire of Keith Gachagua: A Dynamic Profile

Inside the Entrepreneurial Empire of Keith Gachagua: A Dynamic Profile Before the 2022 General Election, Deputy President (DP) Rigathi Gachagua publicly spoke about his family...

Karen Nyamu’s TikTok Ban: Hugging Lady Closely Gets Her Booted(Video)

Karen Nyamu's TikTok Ban: Hugging Lady Closely Gets Her Booted Karen Nyamu, a nominated senator, has been temporarily suspended from using TikTok’s live feature. This decision came after...

General Ogolla’s Daughter Sets Sights on Political Ambitions

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Gospel Singer Ruth Matete Cleared in Husband’s Death Case

Gospel Singer Ruth Matete Cleared in Husband's Death Case Gospel singer Ruth Matete has shared a sense of relief after revealing that the court case...

Willis Raburu Departs TV47: Shocking Exit from Cape Media

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MP Kuria Kimani’s ‘Kudade’ Dance Moves Spark Social Media Frenzy (Video)

MP Kuria Kimani's 'Kudade' Dance Moves Spark Social Media Frenzy (Video) It is never a dull moment on social media with netizens finding ways to still enjoy and celebrate...