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HomeNewsAbabu Namwamba Exposed: Counterfeit 'River Road' Adidas Shoes Scandal

Ababu Namwamba Exposed: Counterfeit ‘River Road’ Adidas Shoes Scandal

Ababu Namwamba Exposed: Counterfeit ‘River Road’ Adidas Shoes Scandal

As Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Gladys Shollei presses Ababu Namwamba on the neglect of his ministry, Ababu Namwamba’s predicament continues to escalate.

This comes after Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah proposed the summoning of Namwamba over accountability on August 17, expressing dismay at the ministry’s disregard for Kenyan athletes.

Tuesday on Citizen TV’s Daybreak program, Shollei alluded to the decaying state of Namwanba’s ministry while supporting Ichung’wah’s proposal.

Sholloei asserts that she hosted the champions of the Boston and London marathons after the ministry neglected to provide them with a proper welcome upon their return.

“I am glad this issue was addressed. From Uasin Gishu, where the majority of athletes originate, it is extremely agonizing for me to listen to them. “Every time they’ve landed, they’ve come to my home in Kitusuru because the CS is unconcerned,” she explained.

“I’ve hosted them for breakfast and lunch, and we’ve discussed their challenges and harrowing stories. They fly economy, while ministry officials fly business class and first class, and they sometimes have a 14-hour layover.”

The Uasin Gishu Woman representative also disclosed that the launched Talanta Hela app, which was intended to promote the creativity and talents of youth, has been a white elephant because it is nowhere to be found.

GossipA2Z.Com has also determined that the application is not available on the Play Store or the App Store.

She added that the ministry has provided some teams with counterfeit uniforms for use in international competitions despite receiving funding.

“Observing the current state of sports administration is excruciating. I searched for the Talanta Hela app as recently as yesterday, but it does not exist. “They informed us that it was released,” she said.

ALSO READ: UDA Concerns: Sports CS Ababu Namwamba Under Fire

“Recently, when our team traveled to Tunisia for the beach games, they wore counterfeit Riveroad sports uniforms.” The team that traveled to Trinidad and Tobago also sported counterfeit uniforms. It simply asks, “When a country reaches the point where its athletes wear counterfeit uniforms, something is seriously wrong.”

Shollei shed further light on the rampant doping cases involving Kenyan athletes, observing that the level of exploitation in training camps is appalling and that coaches and relevant authorities are involved.

“It is known which coaches distribute these substances. Why hasn’t this person been arrested? “None of these young athletes are aware of doping because they cannot afford to buy food or shoes, so it is typically their coaches or other individuals around them who provide them with these drugs, telling them they are supplements,” she said.

Shollei states that she intends to query CS Namwamba on several other matters when he appears before Parliament.

Ichung’wah characterized CS Namwamba’s leadership as a failure before the House, arguing that he has been unable to manage Kenya’s athletes while instead enjoying the government’s perks.

“The best representation we should see are ministers who do not bring joyriders on international trips with them and do nothing,” he said.

“You were appointed as a minister to serve the people, and if you are appointed as the minister of sports, you must serve the sportsmen and women of our country. It is indeed extremely regrettable that such excellent ambassadors can leave our country without proper recognition from the ministry in charge of that responsibility.”

Ababu Namwamba Exposed: Counterfeit ‘River Road’ Adidas Shoes Scandal