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US Ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman, Refutes Claims of Advisor Role to President Ruto

US Ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman, Refutes Claims of Advisor Role to President Ruto

United States Ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman, strongly denied assertions of serving as one of President William Ruto’s primary advisors during her appearance on Citizen TV’s JKLive Show.

She underscored that any perceived proximity to the president was purely formal, stating, “I communicate with him quite frequently, but I reach out when I truly have something substantial to discuss.”

When questioned by host Jeff Koinange regarding her purported affiliation with Ruto’s UDA political faction in the 2022 Presidential elections, Whitman emphasized her impartiality as an Ambassador.

She clarified, “I had just arrived here, on August 1, 2022, and didn’t have a thorough understanding of the ongoing situation. Americans pride themselves on abstaining from taking sides in elections.”


Despite facing backlash, Whitman reaffirmed her commitment to collaborating with the Kenyan government and the president for the betterment of the nation.

“When President Ruto was rightfully elected, I believed it was a fair and credible election…I faced criticism for that,” she remarked.

She underscored their joint initiative in inaugurating new manufacturing firms in Athi River, which are anticipated to generate 20,000 employment opportunities for youths over the next two years.

“We visited Athi River recently to unveil nine new manufacturing companies that are expected to provide 20,000 jobs for young people over the next two years,” Whitman elaborated.

US Ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman, Refutes Claims of Advisor Role to President Ruto