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HomeNewsUS Ambassador Meg Whitman Explains High Visa Denial Rates for Kenyans

US Ambassador Meg Whitman Explains High Visa Denial Rates for Kenyans

US Ambassador Meg Whitman Explains High Visa Denial Rates for Kenyans

US Ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman, has provided reasons for the high rate of visa denials to the United States.

During her speech on Wednesday, Whitman acknowledged that there have been occasional errors, but emphasized that the majority of visa denials are justified.

She elaborated that the cautious approach is necessary because many individuals have harmful intentions towards the United States.

“We do deny people visas and are we always right? No. But are we mostly right? Yes. Think about it—everyone wants to come to America and some bad people want to come to America. Terrorists, money launderers, people who have overstayed their visas before, people who have let their Green Card expire and then come back.


“We have to be quite careful because there are people who wish America harm. It is a minority of people, but what I always say is you have to be thoughtful,” Whitman stated.

Responding to a Kenyan who raised the issue during an interview with Citizen TV, Whitman assured that the visa issuance process strives to be fair.

She emphasized that they consistently aim to ensure only the right individuals are allowed entry into the United States.

“You all remember the 9/11 hijackers. How would you like to be the Visa officer who let in the 9/11 hijackers? You would live with that for the rest of your life. We really try to be fair but we are also trying to make sure that the right people who are not ill-intent get to America,” she added.

Ambassador Whitman’s remarks come in response to complaints from some Kenyans about being denied US visas.

US Ambassador Meg Whitman Explains High Visa Denial Rates for Kenyans