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HomeNewsUnited States Rejects DRC Plan to End KDF Mission

United States Rejects DRC Plan to End KDF Mission

United States Rejects DRC Plan to End KDF Mission

United States has opposed efforts by the president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Felix Tshisekedi, to terminate the mission of peacekeepers, including the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), who were deployed in 2022. 

The United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) was established to restore peace to the militant-controlled troubled Eastern DRC. 

The United States Ambassador to the UN Security Council, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, stated that while the request was reasonable, the DRC must demonstrate its ability to enforce law and order in the country before the soldiers are withdrawn.

She added that because so much work had gone into the peacekeeping mission, it could not be terminated abruptly.

A photo of KDF soldiers.

“We appreciate and we share the DRC’s commitment to a responsible, orderly, progressive, and successful withdrawal while continuing to prioritize the protection of civilians,” Greenfield stated.

“However, 24 years of peacekeeping in the DRC represents an enormous investment in resources and lives, and we must build on these investments. I look forward to hearing more from the UN Secretariat, MONUSCO, and the DRC on how to ensure the protection of civilians before, during, and most importantly – after MONUSCO’s departure.”

The ambassador expressed concern regarding the DRC’s preparedness to safeguard the Congolese people, highlighting the likelihood of a grave humanitarian crisis and massive loss of life should the opposite occur.


Greenfield stated that the United States was amenable to a discussion regarding the expansion of MONUSCO’s duties, highlighting the significance of the troops in the East African nation.

In addition, she lauded Kenya’s efforts in resolving the DRC conflict and called for a meeting between the DRC’s belligerent parties to negotiate a settlement.

“The United States is committed to an orderly and coordinated transition of MONUSCO, and to assisting the DRC government to strengthen key governance, justice, and security institutions,” Greenfield concluded.

Following the ambassador’s remarks, all eyes are on President Tshisekedi to see how he will respond to her suggestions.

President Felix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo informed the United Nations General Assembly on September 21 that he had initiated plans to withdraw the soldiers from the country, citing their inability to suppress rebellions and armed conflicts during their 25-year presence.

In question are soldiers from Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, and Mali, among other nations.

“I instructed the government of the republic to begin discussions with the UN authorities for an accelerated withdrawal of MONUSCO … by bringing forward the start of this progressive withdrawal from December 2024 to December 2023,” Tshisekedi said in an address to the United Nations General Assembly on September 21, 2023.

Democratic Republic of Congo’s President Felix Tshisekedi arrives for a summit in Bujumbura, Burundi, May 6, 2023.

United States Rejects DRC Plan to End KDF Mission