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UDA Reveals How Raila’s AU Bid Will Lead to Return of Protests

UDA Reveals How Raila’s AU Bid Will Lead to Return of Protests

On Sunday, Cleophas Malala, the Secretary General of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), disclosed that the Azimio coalition’s intention to take to the streets was primarily driven by a small group of leaders aiming to gain political advantage.

Malala asserted that while Azimio Leader Raila Odinga focused on securing the African Union Commission chairperson role, his deputies were strategizing to address the absence of leadership.

The SG refuted reports suggesting that the opposition planned to protest because of the increasing expenses of daily life.

“We have seen President William Ruto doing diplomatic shuttle to make sure Kenyans go to work abroad including Raila,” Malala explained how Kenya Kwanza was tackling the issue of cost of living. 

“The issue of going back to the streets is a political strategy for them to start filling in the steps of Raila.”

Expressing goodwill towards his adversaries as they organized a series of demonstrations, Malala noted that most Kenyans were unlikely to participate in the protests.

He elaborated that with initiatives such as subsidized fertilizer, Kenyan farmers would be occupied with their agricultural activities and thus unavailable for protests.


Malala repeated sentiments made by the Executive that they had inherited a run-down economy from former President Uhuru Kenya. 

Therefore, upon assuming power, the elevated prices of essential commodities facilitated Kenyans’ participation in protests organized by the opposition.

The ex-senator from Kakamega commented that Kenyans were now more at ease as the expenses of daily life had notably decreased.

“We found this country when it was in dungeons. When they went to the streets unga was at Ksh263, now it is retailing at Ksh98,” he revealed. 

He stated that despite Azimio’s ongoing preparations for protests, Kenya Kwanza would persist in fulfilling its manifesto commitments as outlined during the campaign period.

“They have been in the streets since independence and Kenya has been there and it will be there,” he spoke of Azimio.

UDA Reveals How Raila’s AU Bid Will Lead to Return of Protests