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HomeNewsUDA Governor Under Fire For Covering Up Missing Ksh 700M

UDA Governor Under Fire For Covering Up Missing Ksh 700M

UDA Governor Under Fire For Covering Up Missing Ksh 700M

Governor Eric Mutai of Kericho is under investigation for allegedly covering up the misappropriation of millions of dollars by the previous administration, commanded by Governor Paul Chepkwony.

The governor has been accused of neglecting to provide documents requested by senators to assist with investigations.

Legislators have requested that the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) investigate how the Kericho County executive spent more than Ksh700 million of the county’s equitable divisible revenue for the 2020/21 fiscal year.

Kericho Governor Erick Mutai at his office on August 29, 2022

“Let the EACC move in and help establish how the funds were used because it appears that we are dealing with a cover-up,” Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang’ stated.

Kajwang’s further suggestion was that the county’s expenditures should be investigated, as the county’s governor had failed to provide the necessary auditing documents.

The Senate has instructed the governor and his staff to submit all relevant documents to the EACC for investigation purposes.

Senator Kajwang instructed the EACC to determine the authenticity of the documents to be shared with the agency, adding, “Let’s not waste time on this.”

ALSO READ: Mt Kenya Counties Record Highest Drop in Revenue Collection(List)

Referring to the Auditor General report, the senators also questioned the expenditure of Ksh2.4 million that the county incurred for travel and subsistence for two foreign visits.

“When he appeared before the committee, Governor Mutai only provided documents indicating that only one officer traveled and incurred an expenditure of Ksh500,000 for the trip that occurred between April 4, 2021,” read part of the document.

The inconsistencies raised additional questions regarding the amount of money spent on the journey and the trip’s existence.

Mutai was given seven days to submit the documents to the office of the Auditor General, failing which the officers involved would be surcharged the total amount incurred as well as interest accrued during the delay.

Okiya Omtatah, a senator from Busia, questioned the county’s recurring inability to provide supporting documentation for its expenditures.

“When the records are not available it creates an impression that money was lost,” he added.

A photo of the EACC headquarters, at Integrity House in Nairobi.

UDA Governor Under Fire For Covering Up Missing Ksh 700M