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HomeNewsTeargas Lobbed in Nairobi CBD as Kanjos Battle Hawkers & Boda Riders

Teargas Lobbed in Nairobi CBD as Kanjos Battle Hawkers & Boda Riders

Teargas Lobbed in Nairobi CBD as Kanjos Battle Hawkers & Boda Riders

The authorities used tear gas to scatter unruly street vendors and motorcycle taxi riders who were clashing with city enforcement officers on Tom Mboya Street in Nairobi.

In a conversation with PoliticalPulseChat, Dickson Mbugua, the head of the Matatu Welfare Association, verified the occurrence of the incident but lacked information on the reasons behind the conflicts.

He additionally separated matatu operators from the conflicts, denying reports that suggested drivers and conductors were involved in confrontations with city council enforcement officers earlier in the day.

Drivers utilizing Odeon routes were recommended to opt for different pathways while authorities worked to restore regular conditions in the vicinity.

The chaos spilled to Mondlane Street affecting business and transport in the area. 

According to reports, the tear gas had an impact on activities within the corporate facilities in the vicinity, including a nearby commercial bank.

It was not immediately clear if police officers had made any arrests during the protests. 


“They (hawkers and bodaboda operators) are always fighting for space with the ensuing disagreements drawing in kanjo,” Mbugu remarked that the perennial fights were tainting the orderliness of the city. 

In previous instances, protests within the central business district (CBD) resulted in significant property damage valued at millions. However, law enforcement acted promptly to prevent clashes between merchants and enforcement officers from causing harm to businesses.

Previously, Robert Alai, the former Kileleshwa Ward Representative, supported the idea of having hawkers don specific uniforms to make it simpler for county askaris to identify them.

“Nairobi must be orderly. The problem is we are focused on looting what others built while not expanding anything,” Alai had remarked. 

Nairobi County’s Askaris have drawn attention due to their behavior when interacting with traders, with Governor Johnson Sakaja pledging to improve and regulate the sector.

Teargas Lobbed in Nairobi CBD as Kanjos Battle Hawkers & Boda RidersTeargas Lobbed in Nairobi CBD as Kanjos Battle Hawkers & Boda Riders