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HomeNewsSpeaker Wetang'ula Approves Motion to Impeach CS Linturi

Speaker Wetang’ula Approves Motion to Impeach CS Linturi

Speaker Wetang’ula Approves Motion to Impeach CS Linturi

Speaker of the National Assembly Moses Wetang’ula has approved a motion by Bumula MP Jack Wamboka seeking to impeach agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi.

Mr. Wetang’ula said the motion by the first-term lawmaker met all the constitutional and Standing Orders thresholds and allowed Mr. Wamboka to give a notice of motion.

The House is expected to debate the motion on Thursday in their morning and afternoon session. MPs have seven days to consider the motion to determine the fate of Mr Linturi.

Mr Linturi will be allowed to defend himself against the allegations presented.

In the motion, Mr Wamboka wants Linturi sent home on three grounds: gross violation of the constitution, gross violation of Article 46, and gross misconduct.

Under the gross violation of the constitution, the CS is being accused of violating Article 10 (c) of the constitution which requires observation of good governance, transparency, and accountability in his duties of serving the people as the CS.

“The sale of fake fertilizer and authorization by the Cabinet Secretary to the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) for the use of the facilities by private individuals is a breach of duty by the CS,” reads the motion.

“Therefore, the Cabinet Secretary appears to have knowingly supplied fake fertilizer to farmers through the NCPB in contravention of Article 10 (2) (c) of the constitution,” further reads the motion.


Mr Linturi is also being accused of breaching Article 153 (2) of the constitution by failing to be accountable both individually and collectively to the president in the performance of his functions.

The MPs accuse Mr. Linturi of failing to come clean on the matter that affects food security by failing to provide a report on the number of farmers affected and measures put in place to restore food security in the country.

“In breach of his duty of accountability and gross violation of Article 153 (2) of the constitution, the CS has failed to be forthright on this matter thus affecting food security and eroding public confidence in the current administration,” reads the motion.

Under criminal negligence, Mr Linturi is facing accusations of allowing NCPB to be used by private entities to convey fake fertilizer to the unsuspecting public.

“This one act amounts to gross violation of Article 152 (6) of the constitution in terms of criminal negligence thus creating the grounds for removal of the Cabinet Secretary under Article 152 (6) of the constitution,” reads the motion.

Under the gross misconduct charge, Mr. Linturi risks being sacked for gross violation of good governance, accountability, and integrity as he refuses to take responsibility for destabilizing the nation and lowering public confidence in the administration.

“He is instead undermining the persons who exposed the scandal on the provision of fake fertilizer to farmers. He has failed in his duty of candor to the National Assembly which is a House of Representatives on the quantity of fake fertilizers,” reads the motion.  

Speaker Wetang’ula Approves Motion to Impeach CS Linturi