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HomeNewsSiaya graduate takes her own life after 500 unsuccessful job applications

Siaya graduate takes her own life after 500 unsuccessful job applications

Siaya graduate takes her own life after 500 unsuccessful job applications

Investigators are looking into a case where a 27-year-old lady committed suicide in a Siaya community after being unable to find employment.

On Tuesday, the body of Vera Okoth was discovered in the family’s Umiru village home’s toilet. Her mother found the body, according to the police.

The mother told authorities she had gone to wake up her daughter but discovered her missing in her room, according to Cleti Kimaiyo, the commander of Siaya County authorities.

When she went to the toilet, which is next to her room, she discovered that her body was hanging there and that a rope was around her neck.

The deceased had applied for almost 500 jobs without success, according to police preliminary investigations, and had asked her mother before she passed away if she would ever get a job.

In 2019, the deceased earned a bachelor’s degree in science from Masinde Muliro University.

Kimaiyo stated that since the deceased did not leave a suicide note behind, the incident’s motivation is still unknown. He added that all of her certificates were left on her bed.

“We are investigating the incident. We are yet to establish the motive for now,” he said.

Three further suicide cases were recorded separately in other places. According to authorities, the first incident was recorded in Bura East, Garissa.

Charles Mwendwa Kayathyu, 30, was discovered dead, strung from a manila rope around his neck, dangling from a tree in Hanti Farm.


An 18-year-old male was discovered dead in Molo following what appeared to be a suicide.

In Landhie Mawe, Peter Waithaka Wangui’s body was discovered on a tree with a manila rope around his neck.

According to the police, they had proof that the deceased had tried to kill himself by ingesting a pesticide, but his brother stopped him.

At that point, he decided to hang himself. It was not established what the motivation was.

A 17-year-old South Sudanese national hanged herself in her home in Kakuma, Turkana, to end her life.

Inside their home, the girl had used a rope that was discovered around her neck to hang herself.

The incident’s motivation is still a mystery. In anticipation of an autopsy, the victims’ remains were brought to mortuaries.

Siaya graduate takes her own life after 500 unsuccessful job applications