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Senator Chesang’ Takes On Natembeya, County Leadership Over Alleged Misuse Of Funds In Trans Nzoia

Senator Chesang’ Takes On Natembeya, County Leadership Over Alleged Misuse Of Funds In Trans Nzoia

On Saturday, Senator Allan Chesang of Trans Nzoia criticized Governor George Natembeya, accusing him of launching specific and deliberate attacks against him.

Addressing the funeral ceremony for Deputy Governor Philomena Bineah’s father, Chesang asserted that the governor had consistently obstructed his attempts to supervise the county.

Chesang expressed his frustration regarding his challenges in promoting the responsible utilization of public funds. His concerns arose when he raised questions about the allocation of Ksh800 million intended for development.

“You voted for me to ensure fair allocation of funds and I have. Should I not ask where the money ends up? When I ask, he (the Governor) accuses me of sabotaging service delivery. Since I am the Senator of this county, all the money I lobby for, should be used to serve you the citizens,” he stated.

“Natembeya was once summoned to the Senate by a different committee and I saw over Ksh800 million had been paid out. I asked the governor to show where the payment went and he did not provide any evidence. They accused me of being tribal for asking that.”


During his address, Chesang raised additional inquiries about the intended utilization of the Ksh25 million allocated to Members of the County Assembly for development, especially in light of allegations of potential misappropriation.

He asserted that certain Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) had improperly utilized the funds, leading to scrutiny from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.

Earlier this month, Chesang urged the government to show compassion during the eviction of Kenyan citizens to make room for the affordable housing project.

The police-supervised evictions have the potential to leave more than 100,000 individuals without a home.

At that moment, he criticized both the County and National governments for failing to offer substitute land to the individuals affected before the imminent demolitions.

The lawmaker from the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) contended that the government should have given precedence to compensating the victims rather than carrying out their eviction forcefully.

In his most recent address, he explicitly expressed his endorsement for the project but emphasized the importance for those carrying it out to refrain from displacing Kenyan citizens who have lawfully obtained land and built their homes.

Senator Chesang’ Takes On Natembeya, County Leadership Over Alleged Misuse Of Funds In Trans Nzoia