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HomePOLITICSRaila Says Azimio Delegates Will Pick 2027 Presidential Flagbearer

Raila Says Azimio Delegates Will Pick 2027 Presidential Flagbearer

Raila Says Azimio Delegates Will Pick 2027 Presidential Flagbearer

Raila Odinga, the leader of the One Kenya coalition, asserts that the coalition’s representatives will ultimately decide the candidate who will be nominated for the presidential ticket in 2027.

On Tuesday in Mombasa, Mr. Odinga stated that within the broader Azimio alliance, all participating parties are actively building their voter support in preparation for the upcoming elections. He emphasized that the coalition does not have a designated seat reserved for any specific leader.

“Tukikubaliana Baba aendelee ni sawa…wakikubaliana Baba akae kando ni sawa…hiyo ni demokrasia,” said the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party chief.

His feelings arise amidst rumors suggesting that there is a growing inclination for Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and DAP-K leader Eugene Wamalwa to consider running on a combined ticket in the upcoming general election.

“On who will be Azimio presidential candidate is still a secret of Azimio…this will be the winning ticket,” Wamalwa said while hinting at the aforesaid joint ticket with Kalonzo last week.

Ali Hassan Joho, the ex-governor of Mombasa who has been absent from ODM party engagements, joined Mr. Odinga on Tuesday for his visit to Mombasa.


“Wengi naskia wanasema eti wako kwa debe. wacha wajipange; hata mimi Joho niko kwa race ya President 2027,” Joho said.

“Kama watasema Joho tosha, nitamuunga mkono. Juzi nilisema Kalonzo wakisema ni yeye nitamuunga mkono,” Mr. Odinga added.

While in Embu on Tuesday, Kalonzo asserted his preparedness to compete against President Ruto in the upcoming elections, alleging that Ruto fails to heed the concerns of the Kenyan people.

The leader of the Wiper party and Safina party, Jimi Wanjigi, who individually visited the Mt. Kenya region for the third consecutive day, expressed that Kenya is at a critical juncture, highlighting that many Kenyans are going to bed hungry.

“Kenyans cannot put food on the table and we say we have a government; No, we cannot allow it,” said Kalonzo.

“Wakenya sahi hawana pesa ya kununua chakula na walikuwa wanasema wataleta suluhu; Wakenya wanaumia, hii serikali iende nyumbani,” added Wanjigi.

Raila Says Azimio Delegates Will Pick 2027 Presidential Flagbearer