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HomePOLITICSPresident Ruto: Leadership Isn't About Re-election, It's About Transformation

President Ruto: Leadership Isn’t About Re-election, It’s About Transformation

President Ruto: Leadership Isn’t About Re-election, It’s About Transformation

President William Ruto has rebuffed those urging him to prioritize his re-election prospects in his decision-making for the nation. 

Addressing attendees at the Africa CEO Forum in Rwanda, Ruto emphasized that his mandate is centered on driving transformative change for the country rather than securing another term in office.

Asserting the essence of leadership, the Head of State stressed the significance of making decisions that benefit the populace.

“I consistently face pressure because, each time I make decisions aligned with the greater good, I encounter reminders urging me to consider my re-election prospects. Yet, I reiterate, my purpose isn’t merely about securing re-election; it’s about catalyzing the country’s transformation,” remarked Ruto.

In certain forums, Ruto disclosed encountering advice cautioning him to exercise restraint in his communication to avoid antagonizing constituents.


However, Ruto maintained his commitment to truthfulness and integrity, even if it meant advocating unpopular but morally sound positions.

He acknowledged the inherent tension between what is morally right and what is politically expedient.

“When addressing specific audiences, whispers are advising me to temper my remarks to avoid displeasing certain groups. But I contend that my role isn’t to appease or conform to public opinion; it’s to uphold moral integrity and speak the truth, regardless of its popularity,” affirmed Ruto.

The President embarked on a trip abroad to attend the annual CEOs summit in Rwanda, fostering collaboration among global business leaders and investors.

He returned from the summit later the same day, having also engaged in bilateral discussions with leaders from other nations during the event.

President Ruto: Leadership Isn’t About Re-election, It’s About Transformation