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Political Showdown: MP’s Secret Scheme to Oust Linturi Revealed

Political Showdown: MP’s Secret Scheme to Oust Linturi Revealed

There are discussions underway to launch an impeachment motion against Agriculture and Livestock Production Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi due to the fraudulent fertilizer scandal.

Gossipa2z.com has gathered information indicating that the motion against Mr. Linturi is expected to be submitted to the National Assembly on Tuesday.

This occurs while Mr. Linturi’s Health counterpart, Susan Nakhumicah, is scheduled to appear before the entire assembly on Wednesday. She will be interrogated regarding the ongoing doctors’ strike, now in its 31st day.

Mbeere North Member of Parliament, Geoffrey Ruku, is anticipated to submit a proposal, outlining the reasons and informing National Assembly Clerk Samuel Njoroge, as he requests Speaker Moses Wetang’ula’s endorsement to gather signatures in support.

Gossipa2z.com interviewed Mr. Ruku at the Parliament Buildings where he was gathering signatures from MPs yesterday evening. By 6 pm, 73 lawmakers had signed the form.

“This is an impeachment motion but I will give details on Tuesday after filing with the Speaker,” Mr Ruku said.

He further said: “The majority of the MPs who have appended their signatures are from (President William Ruto’s) United Democratic Alliance (UDA). Few are from the minority side but I will talk about it later.”


Mr. Linturi has garnered attention for negative reasons regarding counterfeit fertilizer within the government’s subsidy program. His responses seem to indicate denial, as he is giving conflicting statements.

Yesterday, the authorities announced the revocation of KEL Chemicals’ license. The Thika-based company allegedly provided farmers with low-quality fertilizer through a government subsidy program.

Mr. Linturi made this statement shortly after he visited the company, during which he examined the facilities involved in the production, blending, packaging, and subsequent distribution of the fertilizer to farmers.

“I can confirm that we have withdrawn the license of KEL Chemicals. This area is now considered a crime scene. There will be no operations until investigations on this matter are complete,” Mr Linturi said.

The minister stated that the government will withhold payment owed to KEL Chemicals for the fertilizer it has already delivered until investigations are finalized.

Chandrabhan Chimurkah, the General Manager of KEL Chemicals, stated that the company has internally investigated and confirmed a disruption in fertilizer production from March 5 to 10.

He mentioned that 3,000 bags were impacted by the issue, and they are currently tracking them down. Out of these, 516 bags have been located and handed over to the Kenya Revenue Authority for examination by the appropriate government agencies.

“It was a slight problem. The ingredients could have been contaminated during production. Few workers may have stepped on them or the ingredients fell and were collected and packaged,” Chimurkah said.

ALSO READ: Agriculture CS Linturi, and John-Allan Namu Clash On Live TV Over Fake Fertiliser Scandal

Mr. Linturi informed the Senate Agriculture Committee on Tuesday that the Kenya Bureau of Standards should be held accountable for permitting inferior-quality fertilizers to enter the market. He rejected the notion of counterfeit fertilizers, stating that they are merely of “substandard” quality.

“If the percentage of nutrients does not meet the required levels, this does not mean the fertilizer is fake,” the Agriculture Minister said.

As per the Constitution, a Cabinet Secretary can face removal from their position if a Member of Parliament, backed by at least one-fourth of the National Assembly members, puts forth a motion mandating the President to terminate their tenure.

Reasons for dismissal may encompass severe breaches of the Constitution or any legislation, as well as suspicions of the minister’s involvement in unlawful activities, whether under domestic or international law.

A Civil Servant can also face dismissal for serious misconduct. If the impeachment proposal advances to the House floor, it will represent a complete turnaround for the ex-Igembe South MP, who once initiated a censure motion against Anne Waiguru, the current Governor of Kirinyaga, ten years ago.

Ms Waiguru was the Devolution CS. Having secured more than 100 signatures from MPs, Mr Linturi disappeared when the matter had been listed in the Order Paper by the House Business Committee for debate. He wanted the CS dismissed “for misusing her office in making public appointments and dismissals”.

ALSO READ: ‘Fake Or Genuine?’ Agriculture CS Linturi Struggles to Justify Faulty Fertilizer

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino is backing the motion against Ms. Nakhumicha, alleging that the Health CS lacks competence and has breached the Constitution.

“As a result of the doctors’ strike, the rights of Kenyans to life and the highest attainable standards of health have been grossly violated,” Mr Owino says in the impeachment document.

“Millions of Kenyans are unable to access care. Some have even lost their lives.” An adjournment motion by Seme MP James Nyikal seeking to discuss the strike was controversially struck out of the order paper on Thursday afternoon despite being approved by Deputy Speaker Gladys Shollei.

Mr Nyikal was seeking leave of the House to discuss the strike. Ms. Shollei had told Dr Nyikal that he would be allowed to move the motion later.

However, later session chairperson Rachael Nyamai informed Dr Nyikal that his request could not be granted. The decision led to a heated debate, with Dr Nyikal questioning it.

Sending home a CS is, however, a long process. Upon receipt of the motion by the Clerk, a signature on the list cannot be withdrawn.

If the motion is supported by at least one-third of the MPs, an 11-member select team is named to investigate the matter.

The select team then reports to the Assembly if it substantiates the claims. If the grounds are substantiated, the National Assembly shall avail the CS with the report of the select committee.

If a resolution requiring the dismissal of a CS is supported by a majority of MPs, the Speaker delivers the resolution to the President, and the CS is sent packing.

Political Showdown: MP’s Secret Scheme to Oust Linturi Revealed