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Petition Now Filed To Impeach CECs, Chief Officers Appointed By Governor Mwangaza

Petition Now Filed To Impeach CECs, Chief Officers Appointed By Governor Mwangaza

A cohort of Meru County inhabitants has submitted a petition to the County Assembly of Meru, urging the removal from office of Chief Officers and County Executive Committee members (CECs) appointed by Governor Kawira Mwangaza.

Since the Senate rejected the resolution to remove Mwangaza from office, the petition was presented to the county assembly on Tuesday as the House resumed its deliberations. It was endorsed by 1,600 members of the public who had appended their signatures. The petition was authored by 22 county residents.

The Meru MCAs characterized the petition as an indication that the populace is cognizant of the difficulties confronting Meru County and is inclined to participate in efforts to enhance the county’s governance.

“I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the public who have brought the petition to us. They have echoed us. We have been singing alone, but the public now supports us, we have been saying that Meru is going in the wrong direction, but now the public is with us and echoed our cry,” Amwathi Ward MCA Thuranira Mutungi said.

Ayub Bundi, speaker of the Meru County Assembly, directed the pertinent committees to examine the concerns voiced by the populace and produce a report within a period of fourteen days.

“I, therefore, commit this petition to the Joint Sectoral Committee of Labor, Public Service and Legal Affairs and Justice, Legal Affairs, and Cohesion by our standing orders to deal with the petition and report back to the honorable house within the next 14 days,” Ayub said.

Citizens have lodged complaints against the senior county officials in question regarding financial mismanagement, illegal project implementation, and the abuse of authority to antagonize subordinates.


According to additional reports, senior county officials, including the Governor’s Chief of Staff, were also implicated in the allegations.

The constituents who put forth the motion demand that the Meru County Assembly remove from office all chief officers who have contravened the law, in addition to seven of the nine CECs presently serving.

Furthermore, they advocate for the readmission to their original positions of government officials who were transferred for unjustifiable reasons.

The petition was filed less than one week after Michael Mbuthia, a resident of Meru County, petitioned the court to vacate the Senate’s decision to override Governor Mwangaza’s impeachment.

Governor Mwangaza, according to Mbuthia, was subject to procedural impeachment due to his flagrant breach of the Constitution.

Henry Muriithi, an additional resident, submitted a petition to President William Ruto declaring the Meru County government “irretrievably broken and completely dysfunctional.”

Petition Now Filed To Impeach CECs, Chief Officers Appointed By Governor Mwangaza