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Parents Protest Extortionist Demands Principals Are Making During School Reopening

Parents Protest Extortionist Demands Principals Are Making During School Reopening

Concerns have been voiced by parents regarding the requirements set by school administrations for the commencement of school terms and the procedures for high school admissions.

On Thursday, parents expressing their concerns highlighted issues related to requirements like the extensive paperwork that is now deemed obligatory in the admission procedures of many schools.

As per parents expressing their views on X (formerly Twitter), schools are requesting extensive amounts of paper for each student, and in certain cases, the requirements exceed one ream per student.

A photo of reams of paper collected at a school admission day

The parents posed inquiries, expressing concern that the substantial amount of paper required should be included in the school’s administrative budget.

Renowned journalist Saddique Shabann cried foul over the matter stating, “Kenyan secondary schools milking parents dry, with mandatory purchase of printing papers.

Shaban expressed his concern, pointing out that the priority during school admission was given to the requested reams of paper rather than school fees.

“First item to be checked even before school fees payment,” Shaban added.


Furthermore, there are parents expressing dissatisfaction with the requirements, claiming that certain officials within the school system are involved in selling these papers to unethical individuals for financial gain.

As per the parents, the businesspeople purchase bundles of paper. These bundles, each priced at Ksh 450, are then resold by the businesspeople in the market for prices ranging from Ksh 750 to Ksh 800.

The parents characterized these requests as a criminal operation and are currently urging a reassessment of the school’s stipulations.

Nevertheless, certain people have justified the schools’ requirements by pointing out that the schools often receive government funding later in the year, despite the expectation for them to function under regular conditions.

A statement made by an individual in support of the schools’ requests, noted that “Once you get into the system you will realize that last year’s capitation to schools was disbursed towards the end of the year”.

That means that for the whole year, school heads had to get means of having schools running. Kids eating, exams and tests being printed”, Smith Hempstone added.

Parents Protest Extortionist Demands Principals Are Making During School Reopening