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Mudavadi Has Attitude – Boni Khalwale Turns Against Prime CS Over Questionable Habit

Mudavadi Has Attitude – Boni Khalwale Turns Against Prime CS Over Questionable Habit

Senators are currently demanding that all of President William Ruto’s secretaries be reined in for disobeying parliamentary directives.

Senator Boni Khalwale of Kakamega recently accused Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi of harboring a negative stance toward the Senate.

The outspoken lawmaker asserted on the House floor on Wednesday that the CS provided a phony explanation for skipping the scheduled questioning session that morning.

Mudavadi, who had been extended an invitation to address several inquiries from the senators, abruptly withdrew his response and instead informed the sitting via letter that he was overseas on delegated duties.

“Mr Speaker, from your communication, the Prime Cabinet Secretary has alerted the Senate this morning. It should also occur to this house that this is not the first time the Prime CS has failed to appear before this House,” he sternly observed.

“If this does not imply attitude, then what does? The CS has an attitude about this house. He thinks that the house is waiting for him and this morning, it discovers that he is not around.”

A presentation was anticipated from Mudavadi in addition to that of his counterparts from the Treasury and Energy, Njuguna Ndung’u and Davis Chirchir.


While justifying Chirchir’s attendance at a Dubai event and promptly notifying the house of his travels, Khalwale, an associate of the Prime CS’s political faction, charged Ruto’s Cabinet with mistreating Kenyans through its failure to honor parliamentary summonses.

Khalwale additionally cautioned Senate Speaker Amason Kingi that the August House will be reduced to a laughingstock if the majority of CSs are allowed to operate unabated.

“He had a 7-day window during which he knew he was traveling. He should have informed us. This is now the time to sanction the Prime CS so that he respects the house of equity that represents the 47 counties of Kenya,” he added.

“The current Cabinet, if we do not call it to order as Parliament, they are going to run a rough short on all Kenyans. Same applies to Njuguna Ndung’u. These two (Ndung’u and Mudavadi), who represent critical portfolios, must be here. I beg you to sanction them. Who are they to challenge the Senate?”

Kingi, on the other hand, refused to impose sanctions and requested that the disgruntled Senators, including Karung’o Thang’wa of Khalwale and Kiambu, among others, submit motions.

During his official visit to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Mudavadi met with Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, to discuss the enhancement of bilateral relations.

Mudavadi Has Attitude – Boni Khalwale Turns Against Prime CS Over Questionable Habit