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HomeNewsMalawi Vice President Saulos Chilima confirmed dead after plane crash

Malawi Vice President Saulos Chilima confirmed dead after plane crash

Malawi Vice President Saulos Chilima confirmed dead after plane crash

The devastating news of the plane crash that claimed the lives of Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima and nine others reverberated across the nation, sending shockwaves through communities and political circles alike.

President Lazarus Chakwera, in a solemn address to the nation on Tuesday, confirmed the grim reality that the aircraft carrying Chilima had been discovered, its wreckage a tragic testament to the loss of all those aboard.

The sequence of events leading to the catastrophe unfolded on Monday, as the flight departed from the capital city of Lilongwe at 9:17 am local time, bound for Mzuzu airport.

However, inclement weather thwarted its intended arrival at 10:02 am, forcing the pilot to abort the landing due to poor visibility.

The decision was made to return to Lilongwe, yet somewhere amid the clouds and tumultuous skies, communication with the aircraft was severed, plunging it into an abyss of silence and uncertainty.

As rescue efforts commenced and anxious hours passed, hope dwindled with each passing moment. President Chakwera’s somber words confirmed the worst fears: the aircraft had been located amidst the rugged terrain of the Chikangawa Forest, its charred remains bearing witness to the tragic fate of those aboard.

Among the victims was Vice President Saulos Chilima, a figure of significant political stature who had not only served his country in high office but had also been poised to play a pivotal role in the upcoming presidential election.

Chilima’s political trajectory had been marred by controversy, notably in 2022 when he faced allegations of corruption.


However, the recent dismissal of charges against him had seemingly offered a reprieve, allowing him to focus on his aspirations for the nation’s future.

Despite the legal battles that had once threatened to derail his career, Chilima remained steadfast in his commitment to serving Malawi with integrity and dedication.

His sudden and untimely demise has cast a pall over the nation, leaving a void in its political landscape and prompting soul-searching among its citizens.

As Malawi mourns the loss of Vice President Chilima and the other victims of this tragic accident, questions linger about the circumstances surrounding the crash and what it means for the nation’s future.

In the wake of this profound tragedy, the people of Malawi must come together to honor the memory of those lost and to chart a path forward, guided by the principles of unity, resilience, and hope.

Malawi Vice President Saulos Chilima confirmed dead after plane crash