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HomeNewsMagufuli Knew He Wouldn't Survive, Former Security Chief Reveals

Magufuli Knew He Wouldn’t Survive, Former Security Chief Reveals

Magufuli Knew He Wouldn’t Survive, Former Security Chief Reveals

Venance Mabeyo, a former Tanzanian military official who held the position of Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), has disclosed a previously unmentioned discussion he had with the late ex-president John Magufuli before his passing.

Mabeyo disclosed that Magufuli confided in him, expressing his conviction that he wouldn’t make it through his hospital stay and requesting to be returned home.

In a conversation with the state media publication Daily News Digital, Mabeyo detailed the occurrences of March 17, 2021, the day Tanzania experienced the passing of its president.

Magufuli allegedly phoned Mabeyo and conveyed uncertainty about his recovery, urging the Chief of Defense Forces to instruct medical personnel to permit his discharge and return home.

However, Mabeyo stated that he lacked the authority to issue such directives, emphasizing that medical judgments should be entrusted to the expertise of the physicians.

This disclosure illuminates the events preceding Magufuli’s passing, underscoring his acknowledgment of his health status and his desires during that crucial period.


Right after Magufuli’s demise, the immediate action taken was to inform the public about the passing of the head of state.

“Three heads of security agencies were present at the hospital at the time. The Inspector General of Police (IGP), the Director General of Intelligence and Security Services (TISS), and myself (CDF). We wondered how the news would be announced to the public,” the retired military chief said. 

The nation’s highest security authorities were taken aback by the recent events, prompting them to refer to the constitution for direction on their next steps.

The constitution delegates the responsibilities of the president to the vice president should the president be absent due to resignation, illness, or death.

Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan publicly announced her assumption of office on national television and was inaugurated as the President of Tanzania on March 19, 2021, following the protocols outlined in Article 37(5) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania.

Magufuli passed away due to heart issues at Mzena Hospital in Dar es Salaam, as reported by Tanzanian officials.

Magufuli Knew He Wouldn’t Survive, Former Security Chief Reveals