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HomeNewsKiambu Governor's Brush with Death: Wamatangi Narrates Harrowing Escape

Kiambu Governor’s Brush with Death: Wamatangi Narrates Harrowing Escape

Kiambu Governor’s Brush with Death: Wamatangi Narrates Harrowing Escape

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi has recounted narrowly escaping an assassination attempt in Thika on Friday evening. According to Wamatangi, the incident occurred during a tumultuous market opening event in Kamenu ward, where he alleges he was the intended target.

He elaborated that the assassination scheme was devised under the assumption that he would be present at the ceremony, linking the turmoil to prior verbal assaults on his leadership and insinuating plans to remove him from office.

“I am aware that all these actions have been directed towards me. They had anticipated my presence at Kiganjo,” stated Wamatangi.

The shooting incident erupted amidst clashes between two opposing political factions, purportedly sparked by disagreements over the allocation of market stalls at the proposed site.

Law enforcement authorities suspect that one of the Members of Parliament indiscriminately fired into the crowd following the outbreak of protests.

In the turmoil at Kamenu ward, a 26-year-old man lost his life to gunfire, while another sustained severe injuries from a bullet lodged in his chest.


Among those present at the event were four Members of Parliament, led by MP Alice Ng’ang’a, along with Ichung’wa (Kikuyu), Gabriel Kagombe (Gatundu South), Elijah Njoroge (Gatundu North), and Ngoliba Ward MCA Joachim Njama, who jointly inaugurated the market.

However, following the altercation, Kagombe insinuated that the Governor had orchestrated the disruption, resulting in injuries to him and other attendees.

“It’s disheartening that an elected governor would utilize an MCA to dispatch thugs to assault parliamentarians carrying out their duties of delivering development to the people of Kiambu. What’s worse is that I, along with other residents, suffered injuries during the ensuing confrontation,” expressed Kagombe.

In the aftermath of the incident, an investigation has been launched into the chaos, with all MPs and their security personnel present instructed to surrender their firearms for ballistic examination.

Kiambu Governor’s Brush with Death: Wamatangi Narrates Harrowing Escape