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Joho Announces Plan to Retire From Politics With Raila

Joho Announces Plan to Retire From Politics With Raila

Former Governor Hassan Joho expressed during a recent visit to Nyanza that he couldn’t envision himself operating within a political landscape that didn’t include Raila Odinga.

Joho emphasized that his initiation into politics was courtesy of the former prime minister, and he harbors intentions of concluding his political journey alongside him.

He asserted that the only circumstance where he wouldn’t conclude his political career alongside Raila would be if the Azimio leader persuaded him otherwise.

“I am a foundational member of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), and I want to make it clear, in my political trajectory, unless Raila decides otherwise, I began this journey with him, and I’ll end it with him,” he stated.

Joho, serving as the Deputy Party Leader of ODM, explained that his allegiance to Raila’s ideology underpins this stance. His foray into national politics commenced in 2007 as the Member of Parliament for Kisauni before securing the gubernatorial seat in the 2013 and 2027 general elections.


He highlighted that former President Uhuru Kenyatta drew upon Raila’s infrastructure plans from when he served as the Minister of Roads to advance the nation’s infrastructure agenda. Furthermore, Joho pointed out that several roads currently under construction during President William Ruto’s tenure were initially proposed by Raila in 2002.

Raila, who assumed the role of Minister of Roads in 2002 under President Mwai Kibaki’s administration, later experienced a fallout with the president three years later.

While Joho expressed a readiness to retire from politics alongside Raila, he remained hopeful about ODM’s prospects of forming the next government in 2027.

“I believe I have the potential to become the President of Kenya,” he declared, reflecting on his aspirations and those of the party.

Raila Odinga has consistently reassured his supporters that he will remain influential in the 2027 presidential elections.

However, Joho didn’t disclose whether his presidential ambitions would fade should Raila choose to retire from politics at that time.

Joho Announces Plan to Retire From Politics With Raila