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HomeNewsGov’t Makes Ksh.158M From ETA System In One Week - Immigration Department

Gov’t Makes Ksh.158M From ETA System In One Week – Immigration Department

Gov’t Makes Ksh.158M From ETA System In One Week – Immigration Department

The recently implemented Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) system has generated approximately Ksh.158.8 million (USD 1 million) for the government in the last week. Over this period, 32,000 international visitors have utilized the platform to submit their applications to travel to Kenya.

Recent information from the Immigration Department reveals that about 25,000 applications have been effectively handled, with 110 being declined due to security concerns. The rest of the applications are currently in various stages of processing.

Julius Bitok, the Principal Secretary for Immigration and Citizen Services, expects an increase in the revenue generated from the platform in the upcoming weeks.

“We have been able to generate USD 1 million (approx. Ksh.158.8 million) in the last week. This is much-needed foreign exchange. The number of tourists coming has increased because we have made traveling to Kenya easy,” he said in a statement to newsrooms on Thursday.

He mentioned that incorporating ETA aims to bolster security measures and collect crucial passenger details beforehand, aligning with the prevailing global trend in travel protocols.

“Many countries in Europe and America have already introduced ETA and in doing the same, Kenya is being a trailblazer in Africa as it has always been,” he said.


Furthermore, the Public Spokesperson mentioned that the ETA system, now serving as the travel prerequisite for entering Kenya instead of Visa, is currently under examination and enhancement to expedite the processing time for both applications and approvals.

Bitok revealed that the ETA application no longer requires the submission of personal bank statements and other non-essential details. This change aims to improve the user-friendliness of the application form.

The Immigration Department made its announcement only a month following President William Ruto’s decision to eliminate Visa prerequisites for visitors worldwide starting from January 2024.

He made this statement at the 60th Jamhuri Day festivities held at Uhuru Gardens in Nairobi. During the event, he emphasized that the decision to abolish it is rooted in the country’s commitment to embracing globalization and opening borders as a means to stimulate socio-economic development.

“Beginning January 2024, Kenya will be a Visa-free country. It shall no longer be necessary for any person from any corner of the globe to carry the burden of applying for a visa to come to Kenya,” said Ruto on December 12, 2023.

Gov’t Makes Ksh.158M From ETA System In One Week – Immigration Department