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HomeNewsFurious Laikipia Man Unclamps Car as Kanjo Officers Watch: "No Bribe"(Video)

Furious Laikipia Man Unclamps Car as Kanjo Officers Watch: “No Bribe”(Video)

Furious Laikipia Man Unclamps Car as Kanjo Officers Watch: “No Bribe”(Video)

Footage shared online shows a confrontation between a motorist and officers from the Laikipia county government.

Why did Laikipa man break vehicle clamps?

The Saturday, March 16 clip depicted the man confronting three parking attendants for clamping his vehicles.

The motorist claimed he had paid the parking fees and fine, but the officers refused to unclamp the vehicle.

“I will not give you any bribe. Take me to court, and I will pay the fine,” the man said.

The man pleaded numerous times for the officers to remove the clamps as he was supposed to travel to Nairobi, to no avail.

“No one helped me buy this car. Please unclamp it,” he said as the officers ignored him.


Fed up with pleading with them, the man took matters into his own hands.

He opened the boot and removed two metal rods. He then hit the clamps on the left front tire, which broke. He then threw it away before doing the same for the right tire.

A small crowd of onlookers witnessed the action as one of the parking assistants recorded the incident. The motorist then drove off.

Interestingly, most social media users supported his actions.


“Don’t show his number plate. He is a legend.”


“Kuna mahali nafaa kuenda na ni sahii…”


“I love such men.”


“Protect this man at all costs.”


“Weuh! Kenyans got no chills nowadays.”


“I like where we are headed as a country. This is the way .”

Furious Laikipia Man Unclamps Car as Kanjo Officers Watch: “No Bribe”(Video)