Don’t Force Raila Out of 2027 Race – ODM MPs to Azimio Allies

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Don’t Force Raila Out of 2027 Race – ODM MPs to Azimio Allies

Certain members of the ODM party are cautioning their allies within the Azimio coalition against efforts to prevent their leader, Raila Odinga, from running for the presidency in the upcoming 2027 elections.

Over 10 lawmakers asserted that certain members from different political factions have developed a strategy to persuade Raila to withdraw from the 2027 presidential race and instead endorse their candidacy.

Senators Oburu Odinga (Siaya), Moses Kajwang (Homa Bay), and Edwin Sifuna (Nairobi), along with MPs Opiyo Wandayi (Ugunja), Peter Kaluma (Homa Bay Town), and Joshua Oron of Kisumu Central, contended that there is a plan to pressure Raila into supporting a different candidate in the upcoming election.

Oburu, the older brother of Raila, mentioned that the initiative is typically carried out when the ODM leader participates in events within areas considered strongholds of the Wiper Democratic Party.

“Let our bothers stop blackmailing and pressurizing Raila to support their bid when he (Raila) visits them. Raila is still strong and can still contest the presidency seat in 2027,” Oburu said.

Addressing the funeral ceremony of George Awino, the sibling of Joshua K’Awino, the Financial Director of ODM, in Kanyamfwa village, Karachuonyo constituency, Oburu emphasized that the Azimio coalition parties will possess the authority to put forward their choice for the presidential candidate.

Azimio includes ODM, Wiper, DAP Kenya, Narc Kenya, Kanu, and other parties in its coalition.

Lawmakers aligned with the Wiper party have recently stated that their party’s leader, Kalonzo Musyoka, is expected to run in the 2027 elections.

They desire Raila to back Kalonzo in return for the support Kalonzo provided him during the general elections from 2013 to 2022.

“Instead of pushing Raila to leave the presidential race they should concentrate on strengthening their parties because I believe that the party with more grass-root support will produce a presidential candidate,” he added.

Additional Members of Parliament in attendance included Ong’ondo Were representing Kasipul, Martin Owino from Ndhiwa, Adipo Okuome representing Karachuonyo, Peter Orero from Kibra, Aduma Owuor representing Nyakach, and Joyce Osogo, the Woman Representative for Homa Bay.

Kajwang stated that Raila is the most fitting choice for their presidential candidate in the upcoming 2027 general election.

They contended that there was no obstacle preventing Raila from securing victory in the presidential election on his sixth try.


Kajwang contended that the mounting pressure on Raila to withdraw from the competition had escalated to the point where certain leaders within the Azimio coalition were resorting to blackmail tactics.

He said they would not allow the pressure and the blackmail to continue.

“It is out of order for some members of the Azimio coalition to start blackmailing Raila because they want him to endorse someone. Let’s stop such conversation because it’s unhealthy and will not take Azmio anywhere, ” Kajwang’ said.

Kajwang urged members of the Azimio coalition’s parties to enhance the strength of their respective parties in preparation for the upcoming 2027 general election.

“We want Azimio affiliate parties to go back to the drawing board and strengthen their parties. Later, we will ask what each party can bring to the table for us to move forward,” Kajwang’ said.

Kaluma stated that those hoping for Raila to abandon his presidential aspirations are simply indulging in wishful thinking. He emphasized that Raila remains the favored candidate for many Kenyans.

“Raila’s presidential bid is determined by the people of Kenya and not by political leader. People will endorse him when the right time comes,” Kaluma said.

Wandayi is hopeful that Raila will lead the next administration, citing his belief that President William Ruto’s government has not met the expectations of the Kenyan people.

The leader of the minority in the National Assembly asserted that Kenyans are fatigued with the current Kenyan Kwanza government, citing the elevated expenses of daily life.

“We’re confident that we are going to form the next government under Raila Odinga,” Wandayi said.

Osogo said they had high hopes for Raila.

“Let them know that our presidential candidate is Raila,” Osogo said.

Don’t Force Raila Out of 2027 Race – ODM MPs to Azimio Allies