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HomeNewsDoctors' Talks with Government Collapse Yet Again Despite Agreement Proposal

Doctors’ Talks with Government Collapse Yet Again Despite Agreement Proposal

Doctors’ Talks with Government Collapse Yet Again Despite Agreement Proposal

Negotiations between a team led by Head of Public Service Felix Koskei and the doctors’ union fell through on Friday, even though a draft return-to-work agreement was ready for signature.

The proposed agreement had resolved 17 out of 19 key issues, and the Friday evening meeting aimed to finalize the remaining two.

Koskei was joined by Cabinet Secretaries Susan Nakhumicha (Health) and Florence Bore (Labour), as well as other officials from the Council of Governors and the Health Ministry.

Also in attendance were Health Principal Secretary Harry Kimtai and Acting Health Director General Dr. Patrick Amoth.

The talks stalled because doctors presented new demands, delaying what was almost a finalized agreement.


The Koskei-led team did not specify the new demands or clarify what had been resolved and was no longer contentious.

“If the doctors haven’t signed the return-to-work agreement by Monday, we will ask the court to intervene to ensure Kenyans receive services,” Koskei stated.

He continued: “Doctors’ interns staying out of work are wasting their time since another group will graduate soon. If they miss out, they’ll have to wait again. Their absence is also affecting undergraduates.”

Doctors are demanding to maintain the Sh206,000 monthly payment for medical interns, who train under practicing doctors before earning their licenses. However, the government states it can only afford Sh70,000.

As of 9:30 pm, doctors’ union officials were still meeting in a separate room after the main meeting was cut short.

Doctors’ Talks with Government Collapse Yet Again Despite Agreement Proposal