DCI Summones 4 County Askaris Over Trans Nzoia Funeral Chaos

HomeNewsDCI Summones 4 County Askaris Over Trans Nzoia Funeral Chaos

DCI Summones 4 County Askaris Over Trans Nzoia Funeral Chaos

Four officers from County law enforcement assigned to the office of Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya, along with a follower of National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula, have been called in for questioning by DCI officials regarding the disturbances on Sunday.

The quintet underwent questioning at the county DCI premises regarding their involvement in the disturbance that erupted on Sunday during the funeral service for Sandra Nyongesa, the deceased spouse of former Nominated MCA Phillip Nyongesa.

Steve Oloo, the County Commander of Trans Nzoia, stated that an investigation is currently being conducted to apprehend everyone implicated in the disturbance.


Simultaneously, Bishop Martin Mafumbo and other religious figures have urged security agencies to thoroughly investigate the incident without prejudice, a sentiment reiterated by David Kabuya, an elder from the Agikuyu Community.

“They have been summoned to record statements and we want the police to be fair in their investigations,” Oloo said.

“As elders, we will help solve the conflicts if we are involved in the probe,… many tribes inhibit this region so we want them to engage all the communities in Trans Nzoia, not the Bukusu Community alone,” Kabuya added.

Ben Wanjala, a Ford Kenya Party representative who provided his statement, urged for impartiality in the investigations.

“I have recorded my statement and we want the authorities to visit the scene of the incident so that they get fast and information and the church and the family should also be involved because they were our audience,” he said.

Backers of Wetangula and Natembeya engaged in a public confrontation during the event, as the two apparent political adversaries found themselves on the same stage. This led authorities to step in and deploy tear gas to scatter the crowds.

DCI Summones 4 County Askaris Over Trans Nzoia Funeral Chaos