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HomeNewsBabu Owino Files Impeachment Motion to Kick Out Health CS Nakhumicha

Babu Owino Files Impeachment Motion to Kick Out Health CS Nakhumicha

Babu Owino Files Impeachment Motion to Kick Out Health CS Nakhumicha

On Wednesday, Babu Owino, the Member of Parliament for Embakasi East, submitted a motion for the impeachment of Susan Nakhumicha, who serves as the Health Cabinet Secretary.

In his proposal, the outspoken lawmaker alleged that CS Nakhumicha was inept and flagrantly disregarded the nation’s health regulations regarding the prolonged doctors’ strike.

“Under Article 152(6) of the Constitution as read with Standing Order 66, I wish to notify you of my intention to move a Special Motion for the removal of the Cabinet Secretary for Health from office on two grounds,” read part of the notice.

Babu Owino stated that since the commencement of the doctors’ strike on March 15, Kenyans have faced challenges in obtaining medical treatment, resulting in fatalities.


Nakhumicha was additionally charged with demonstrating incompetence due to her inability to resolve the strike, which has now extended into its third week.

Babu Owino additionally criticized the Health CS for not upholding the doctors’ Collective Bargaining Agreement and instead opting to issue threats of dismissal to the protesting doctors.

“The CS has further failed to appreciate the seriousness of the strike and has failed to provide a lasting solution to settle the demands of the medics including the hiring of interns/ trainee doctors and payment of salary arrears,” the notice read in part.

The MP while addressing the press on March 26, vowed to take action against the health CS and Agriculture counterpart Mithika Linturi over what he termed as negligence in their duties.

Linturi was mainly accused of failing to combat the spread of fake fertiliser in the country, a situation the MP claimed posed huge losses to the farmers.

Meanwhile, the doctors on April 3, vowed to continue with their protests after turning down a Ksh2.4 billion offer from the government.

Led by The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Davji Atellah claimed the offer did not fully sort out the CBA reached in 2017.

Atella termed the latest move by the government as impunity and that they will not relent until their demands are fully met as initially agreed.

Babu Owino Files Impeachment Motion to Kick Out Health CS Nakhumicha