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HomePOLITICSBabu Owino and Gathoni Wamuchomba Join Hands to Form New Opposition Team(Video)

Babu Owino and Gathoni Wamuchomba Join Hands to Form New Opposition Team(Video)

Babu Owino and Gathoni Wamuchomba Join Hands to Form New Opposition Team

On Tuesday, March 26, Babu Owino, the Member of Parliament for Embakasi East, introduced a team dedicated to tackling concerns raised by citizens.

During a press briefing alongside journalists, Babu pointed out a lack of vigor within the opposition faction in Kenya, justifying his decision to form a fresh team.

The fresh team comprises Gathoni wa Muchomba, the Member of Parliament representing Githunguri Constituency, Caleb Amisi from Saboti Constituency, Charles Nguna, Amos Mwago representing Starehe constituency, Catherine Omanyo, the Women’s Representative for Busia, and Mark Mwenje, the MP for Embakasi West.

“This team will fight for the voiceless, and their rights in all the 8 regions,” Babu Owino stated

“We have issues that we will be addressing from time to time. This is the team that will give direction in this country because we have seen a bit of laxity in the opposition.” 

The lawmaker also pledged assistance in resolving the ongoing nationwide doctors’ strike and encouraged the press to join efforts in communicating their messages effectively.

“Not limited to holding rallies, not limited to calling for maandamano’s; regional in all counties and constituencies,” he added. 


The six Members of Parliament (MPs) additionally pledged to hold Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha and her agriculture counterpart Mithika Linturi accountable, alleging negligence in their respective roles.

The Members of Parliament issued a seven-day deadline, warning that they would initiate impeachment proceedings against CS Nakhumicha unless she resolved the nationwide doctors’ strike that has brought the health sector to a standstill.

Referring to recent instances of counterfeit fertilizers being distributed in the Kenyan market, the members of parliament also criticized Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Linturi for his inability to address the issue effectively and for the delayed distribution of subsidized fertilizers.

The physicians remain committed to continuing their strike into its third week, despite numerous warnings from Nairobi County Governor Johnson Sakaja.

“I have given the doctors of Nairobi 12 hours to show up in our hospitals. Those who want to continue working in Nairobi county, you have 12 hours to show up in our hospitals because the mandate that I have is to ensure that I provide healthcare to the people of Nairobi,” Sakaja had threatened. 

In his reply to the county head, KMPDU Secretary General Davji Atellah on Tuesday stated, “Governor Sakaja and the CS should not question our strike. We signed a matrix with them. It’s not the first time we are getting threats. They are a passing wave.” 

Babu Owino and Gathoni Wamuchomba Join Hands to Form New Opposition Team