Azimio Warns US Over Supporting Haiti Deployment

HomeNewsAzimio Warns US Over Supporting Haiti Deployment

Azimio Warns US Over Supporting Haiti Deployment

On Tuesday, January 30, the Azimio Coalition cautioned the United States against interfering in the internal matters of Kenya.

NARC-Kenya Party Leader Martha Karua, reading a statement on behalf of the coalition, specifically pointed fingers at the United States, claiming that they were involved in influencing the Kenya Kwanza administration’s choice to send police officers to Haiti.

Karua commented that the United States and other international powers should acknowledge that Kenya is a sovereign nation that has the right to operate autonomously and make its own choices.

“We take note of the support expressed by the US government for the Ruto regime to appeal against the ruling on the deployment of police to Haiti,” Karua stated.

“We hope that all parties should respect the independence of the Judiciary and foreign interests should keep off our national affairs.”

Moreover, Azimio emphasized in its statement its unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law and endorsing the importance of an independent Judiciary.


Days after criticizing the Kenyan courts for obstructing the dispatch of 1,000 police officers to the distressed Caribbean nation, the Executive issued the statement.

“To be clear, Article 240 does not mandate the Council to deploy police officers outside Kenya. Deployment should be as provided for in part 14 of the Act and only to a reciprocating country,” High Court Judge Justice Mwita ruled.

The High Court determined that President William Ruto and the National Security Council lacked constitutional authority to send police officers beyond the boundaries of Kenya.

In reaction to the court’s decision, Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura stated that the High Court had made a mistake in its ruling, pointing out that Kenya had previously sent its forces abroad.

In her declaration, Karua additionally mentioned that Azimio would persist in advocating for a reduction in the cost of living.

Karua expressed that the Kenyan populace felt burdened by the housing levy and additional taxes implemented under Ruto’s government.

Azimio Warns US Over Supporting Haiti Deployment