Being Honest And Why People Love you For It. Transparency is a crucial element of trust.Most of us anticipate complete transparency from everyone in our personal and professional lives, including our coworkers and business associates. Particularly in the workplace, transparency is so crucial that businesses utilize it to draw top talent, boost performance, and improve accountability. They are aware that workplace transparency is necessary. Being open and honest at work can help you advance professionally. Making others aware of your assets and liabilities can greatly enhance their ability to assist you. But there are other areas in our professions and…
Author: ian
10 Simple Habits to Enhance Your Attractiveness. Although we don’t admit it, everyone secretly wishes they were more gorgeous.No, not with a flawless face or a toned body, but with characteristics that draw people in.being the kind of person who people want to do favors for and spend time with. Unfortunately, I went with the makeup approach and only used my appearance to win people over. The cost: 2 hours each day of cosmetics instruction from Michelle Phan are charged for each.year, brushes and powders worth more than $1,000. As a result, the same folks who before considered me as…
Criteria which people evaluate you at first contact. Dating may be awful no matter how many apps you use or how diligent you are to screen out possible nuts. Perhaps we no longer fully understand how to date, which would explain this. Sure, “Netflix and chill,” but starting a relationship and truly getting to know someone may be very difficult. In the ABC News documentary Swiped, participants discuss how difficult it is to navigate dating in the contemporary era with dating specialists and young singles. You’d think that finding your soulmate would be as simple as a touch, even with…
Becoming Wiser, Productive And Better Friend. What consequences can multitasking have? Multitasking is nothing more than attention splitting. Every time we go from one task to another, we aren’t paying attention to either charge, and our brains need to warm up before we can resume the work we just stopped doing.Additionally, every text or email alert raises our stress levels, we deplete the connections between the various areas of our brain, and our bodies become overactive and hooked to continual stimulation. These effects increase our vulnerability to illness, accidents, and inattentiveness. Media multitasking is now considered to be “normal.” It…
Harmonizing the Masculine and Feminine Energy. Although it may sound dated, this has nothing to do with a person’s gender.There is a mix of masculine and feminine energy in both men and women.Each person’s level of one and the other within themselves vary, and it has to do with the preference or propensity of the type of energy that one feels more comfortable expressing in a relationship. Action-oriented is the basic energy of the male. It advances, acts, and exerts control. It is exemplified by a propensity for analysis, competition, strength, and power as well as a demand for independence,…
Guidelines to follow in your marriage to improve things. I have learned from working with many couples over the years that there are several “rules” that help marriages operate better and increase the likelihood of a long-lasting, healthy relationship.If you share my dislike of rules, consider replacing them with commitments you make first to yourself and then to your partner.You will find that these solutions are not just workable with that change in place.They work, and more importantly, they’re enjoyable. Three guidelines for a happy marriage and cohabitation Take a break. Recognize that it’s acceptable for each person to have…
How To Attract (And Hold) A Woman’s Attention! I have to say that, as a man, the majority of men are lousy flirts.Are there exceptions to the rule?Of course.There always appears to be a dapper Brazilian helicopter pilot nearby who can swoop in and talk about anything when a man is trying to flirt with a girl.But don’t despair, guys. There is yet hope.Flirting isn’t the solution if you genuinely want to know how to make a girl like you.That may seem counterproductive, but persistently chasing a woman will only go you so far.She’s going to end it if she…
What Arouses Jealousy In 77% Of Women? Women have had a reputation for being envious and cattish for as long as we can remember.It’s the reason why studios approve films like Bride Wars.Because of this, more than five years after Brad and Jen announced their breakup, the Team Aniston vs. Team Jolie controversy is still going strong.To find out what made 2,000 women envious, Woman’s Day and AOL Living conducted a “jealousy study,” which was released today.Here is what we discovered. Men are less envious than women. Men claimed to feel envious only 27% of the time, compared to 73%…
Top 10 Romance Films of 2009. We’ve discovered that we’ve spent more money in the last year than we have in years on pricey cinema tickets. Now that these films will soon be available on DVD, we can’t wait to watch them once more, this time cuddled up on the couch with our favorite person. The Real Story Behind Date Movies 1. The Half-Blood Prince by Harry Potter Every Harry Potter movie has been eagerly anticipated. We were finally rewarded with romance during the past year, with Ron and Hermione’s developing romance being the most anticipated. Also, if you’ve seen…
Can Relationships Bear From A Love Affair Work? You never intend for a relationship to develop into anything more. An affair is typically a way to go away from relationships and experience passion, tension, and excitement all over again. It’s a forbidden fruit that two partners share in secret.But suppose…What if you sense that your relationship is developing beyond the typical infrequent meets in your preferred locations and going beyond sexual activity? Can a forbidden fruit develop into a strong tree that bears the fruit of a brand-new, enduring love affair? Before responding to the question, there are several factors…