Author: ian

Informing Children of Your Divorce. Telling your children that you will no longer be married to their mother or father is one of the unpleasant things that parents often have to do.  Don’t distinguish between them.  You two need to be present so that you can both explain to the kids what is happening and why. Reassuring the children that the divorce is not their fault is the main thing you should do. Tell them that although you and their other parent still adore them, sometimes married couples are unable to remain together. There is no simple method to inform…

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12 Indices That You’re Emitting Negative Energy. When you’re under stress, it can occasionally seem as though a grey fog is following you everywhere.That gray cloud is bad energy that shows up in social situations and affects you and those around you.It might be challenging to break the loop when we are completely unaware that we are emitting this bad energy. Here are a few warning indications that you might be giving out these signals, so you can stop them! 1.You assume that everyone has a problem because you only perceive the bad in other people.If you have a problem…

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Signs Your Partner Has Borderline Personality Disorder . Do you ever feel confined around someone who has a borderline personality disorder?  What I mean by being “trapped”, is when someone demands specific things from you while simultaneously claiming they don’t have a problem and that YOU are the one who is the issue. BPD could be the unidentified elephant in the room that makes you feel as though you’re going crazy or that you’re always being thrown in a blender Here are 4 techniques to determine whether your partner may have borderline personality disorder: 1.Every day, they make a new…

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The Instant Relief for Overwhelming Emotions. Some people are quite good at recognizing their emotions and controlling them.This is the outcome of an upbringing in which the parents supported emotional expression. As a result, some of us were trained to suppress our feelings because other people had it much worse off than we did. However, others of us did not have this luxury. But what would you do if you were unable to control your overwhelming emotions? Like me, perhaps you find yourself screaming at people or stuffing your face with comfort foods that make you feel bad and ashamed.You…

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Things You Can Do In The Morning To Improve. Making the necessary adjustments to your morning routine can be the first step toward learning how to be happy and how to alter your life. The fastest approach to increase performance in any aspect of your life, which will take you down a path of happiness and optimistic thinking, may not be as simple as it sounds: incorporate morning discipline into your daily routine! Before getting out of bed in the morning, the majority of people check their cell phones for e-mail, texts, social media, or newsfeeds. The issue with doing…

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Most stunning Christmas trees. Christmas is almost here, therefore we thought it was about time to look at some incredibly beautiful Christmas trees.  Many people have a long-standing custom of Christmas tree decorating.  It’s always a memorable occasion, whether you do it with friends or family, whether you buy a real Christmas tree or a fake one. Whether you use brand-new, expensive Christmas tree decorations or treasured, heirloom ornaments that have been in your family for decades doesn’t matter. In either case, it always feels special and different. It’s like bringing a piece of the holiday enchantment inside. Therefore, if…

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Reasons Your Dreams Never Come True. Try to keep track of how many times you’ve heard the phrase “No regrets, no excuses” or have even repeated it to yourself.  I’d love to pursue my aspirations, but…but…but. How many times did you say that? You must repeat thousands of “buts” every day, don’t you? Each of us eventually learns to speak in this manner, saying things like, “It’s all about circumstances,” “I need these difficult times to end,” “Next Monday I’m going to,” “Tomorrow for sure…”, etc. You look for the reason you haven’t achieved something every time you want something…

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Why Contemporary Women Avoid Pregnancy. Mothering has always been the primary job for women.  Women were biologically and psychologically designed to procreate. Many females may recall what their mothers told them: “If you don’t want babies, no man will ever want you! However, we continue to live in the emancipation era, in which women dominate all fields of endeavor, including politics, business, and science. Additionally, many women are choosing not to become pregnant. Is this a result of the fact that being a mother is no longer a superwoman’s role?  There are several reasons why modern women favor childlessness. Mental…

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Symptoms Your Exercise Relationship Is Toxic. Workout videos, influencers who are obsessed with the gym, and fitnessgoals are frequently inundated in our social media feeds.  A Model flashing their impossible abs or displaying their juice cleanse is practically ubiquitous. It’s simple to believe that leading this lifestyle will bring you success and pleasure. If you want to look like an Instagram-worthy gym selfie in real life, all you need to do is work out crazily every day and eat kale for every meal. Exercise should be enjoyable, but when we live in a culture that encourages competition, it’s simple for…

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Invisible Signs You’re Hiding Your Emotions. Because it’s simpler, it’s common for us to suppress and hide our feelings. However, it’s crucial to recognize the symptoms of suppressed emotions and take steps to improve your communication skills. Repressed emotions, as opposed to suppressed emotions, which are sentiments you intentionally avoid because you are unsure of how to handle them, are those that you unintentionally avoid, according to Healthline. Psychological problems and symptoms can afflict you if you have unprocessed repressed emotions.They typically have a childhood trauma origin. People learn how to manage their emotions by watching their parents when they…

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