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HomeNewsAmbassador Whitman Reveals 3 Key Reasons US Firms Are Rushing to Kenya

Ambassador Whitman Reveals 3 Key Reasons US Firms Are Rushing to Kenya

Ambassador Whitman Reveals 3 Key Reasons US Firms Are Rushing to Kenya

The US Ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman, praised President William Ruto’s administration for improving the business climate in Kenya.

Speaking before celebrating 60 years of diplomatic ties between Kenya and the United States, Whitman highlighted the positive changes in Kenya’s business environment since Ruto took office in 2022.

Since taking office, President Ruto has implemented reforms to stimulate economic growth and attract foreign investors. Whitman mentioned three key changes: removing VAT on exported services, abolishing domestic equity requirements for ICT companies, and revitalizing special economic zones.

At the launch of the Call Centre International (CCI) Global Contact Centre at Tatu City in Kiambu County on May 10, Whitman emphasized the advantages of these reforms.

She stated that the removal of VAT on export services has already led to three American companies—JetBlue, AT&T, and T-Mobile—setting up operations in Kenya, which has contributed to job creation and economic growth.

“Kenya must achieve GDP growth of 6-8% annually and create one million new well-paying jobs every year for the next decade if it wants to become the Singapore of Africa,” remarked Whitman.


President Ruto echoed her views, reiterating his commitment to fostering the growth of IT-enabled services, especially in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector.

Highlighting Kenya’s advantages such as a skilled workforce, strategic location, and English proficiency, President Ruto detailed plans to invest in digital infrastructure to boost job creation and economic empowerment.

The launch of the CCI Global Contact Centre at Tatu City, which has already created over 5,000 jobs, demonstrates Kenya’s progress in utilizing technology to drive economic development.

“We aim to secure a significant share of the BPO market for the benefit of our youth who are keen to contribute to our economic growth,” he stated.

President Ruto emphasized the government’s resolve to offer incentives and create a supportive environment to attract more investment in the digital sector.

Looking ahead, Whitman expressed optimism about the deals that will be signed during Ruto’s visit to the White House, noting that these agreements will strengthen the partnership between Kenya and the United States and enhance Kenya’s standing as a center for innovation and investment in Africa.

Ambassador Whitman Reveals 3 Key Reasons US Firms Are Rushing to Kenya