You Are Lying – Senator Sifuna Clashes with Hussein Mohamed

HomeNewsYou Are Lying - Senator Sifuna Clashes with Hussein Mohamed

You Are Lying – Senator Sifuna Clashes with Hussein Mohamed

A clash has emerged between State House spokesperson Hussein Mohamed and ODM Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna regarding claims that Nairobi MPs skipped a meeting with President William Ruto.

This disagreement highlights deep-rooted tensions between political heavyweights, casting doubt on ODM’s partnership with the Kenya Kwanza administration.

The debate gained attention when the Daily Nation published a story titled “Why Raila MPs Skipped Ruto Meeting,” sparking discussions about ODM’s growing internal divide and how Raila Odinga’s succession is influencing party dynamics.

The inclusion of opposition members in government roles has ignited controversy within ODM, fueling concerns about party unity.

If the rift continues, it could disrupt government operations and legislative processes, potentially delaying key development projects like housing and economic reforms, directly affecting ordinary Kenyans.

Tensions escalated after the Daily Nation reported that ODM MPs boycotted a meeting with President Ruto due to discontent with Raila Odinga’s political truce with the government.

Some MPs were reportedly worried about backlash from their constituents regarding ODM’s closer ties with Kenya Kwanza.

State House quickly denied the report, with Hussein Mohamed addressing the claims on social media.

He refuted the existence of any formal meeting and clarified that only a few MPs attended an informal lunch after the President inspected a housing project in Kibera. Mohamed criticized Daily Nation for relying on unofficial sources.


Senator Edwin Sifuna responded fiercely, accusing Hussein Mohamed of lying and asserting that ODM MPs intentionally avoided the meeting.

Sifuna criticized President Ruto for overstepping his authority by inviting ODM members, calling the invitation “disrespectful” and politically motivated.

Sifuna’s remarks reflect growing discomfort within ODM over its warming relationship with the Ruto administration.

Following Raila’s deal with Ruto, which placed five ODM members in government positions, concerns about the party’s future direction have intensified.

The absence of key Nairobi ODM MPs from Monday’s event, including Sifuna, Anthony Oluoch, Babu Owino, and Tim Wanyonyi, was perceived as a silent protest.

Despite Makadara MP George Aladwa’s efforts to rally ODM MPs for the event, most chose not to attend, with only a few showing up.

Hussein Mohamed stood firm on his previous statements, maintaining that no formal meeting was scheduled.

He reiterated that any official engagement between the President and MPs would be communicated through proper channels, dismissing claims of misrepresentation in Monday’s coverage.

You Are Lying – Senator Sifuna Clashes with Hussein Mohamed