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HomeNewsUpdate on 1994 Devil Worship Probe Team Handpicked by Mzee Moi

Update on 1994 Devil Worship Probe Team Handpicked by Mzee Moi

Update on 1994 Devil Worship Probe Team Handpicked by Mzee Moi

Kenya is once again struggling with religious cults, nearly three decades after the late former president Daniel Moi established a Commission of Inquiry into devil worship in Kenya.

The report’s findings were presented to President Moi for the first time in 1995, but he announced that it could not be made public due to its sensitive nature.

According to the report, Satanism was rife in the country, and a special police force would be created to combat the issue.

Concurrently, the report revealed that religious cults were becoming an increasing concern in Kenyan schools and society.

1999 saw the release of a report by the commission chaired by the then-archbishop of Nyeri, Nicodemus Kirima, which was tabled in Parliament.

Additional members of the commission included Dr. Rev. Jones Kaleli, Fred Ojiambo, Crispo Ongoro, Prof. Jude Ongonga, Philista Onyango, Bishop Horace Etemesi, and Bishop David Njue.

Josiah Okumu and Virginia Maina served as co-secretaries of the commission.

The chairman of the commission, Archbishop Nicodemus Kirima, passed away on November 27, 2007.

The Reverend Bernard Muindi served as moderator of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) from 1991 to 1997.

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He established the Tumaini Children’s Home in Riamukurwe, Nyeri County. He died on June 12, 2017.

A Kenyan advocate is Fred Ojiambo. 1975 marked his admission to the High Court of Kenya as an attorney.

Senior Counsel (SC) Ojiambo was also the President of the Kenyan Law Society from 1988 to 1991.

Rev. Jones Kaleli, pastor of the African Inland Church, is an assistant professor of intercultural studies at Liberty University.

The reverend is a lecturer at Kabarak University, where he has also served in various leadership capacities.

On August 29, 1993, Horace Etemesi of the Anglican Church was consecrated. From 1993 until 2003, he served as the Bishop of Butere Diocese.

Additionally, Reverend Etemesi served as Vice Chairman of the Kiruki Commission.

President Mwai Kibaki established the Commission to investigate the scandal involving Artur Margaryan and Artur Sargsyan, two Armenian brothers.

Dr. Philista Onyango taught at the University of Nairobi between 1977 and 1996.

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Prof. Jude Ongoga is a Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Nairobi’s Kenyatta University.

The events of the 1990s resemble Shakahola’s horrifying tales. On May 5, 2023, President William Ruto appointed a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the death and burial of over 110 individuals whose bodies were interred in Shakahola Forest.

President Ruto designated Lady Justice Jessie Lessit, a Court of Appeal judge, to lead the team tasked with uncovering the truth behind the tragedy in a Gazette Notice.

Other team members included Lady Justice (Retired) Mary Muhanji Kasango, Eric Gumbo, Bishop Catherine Mutua, Jonathan Lodompui (Dr.), Frank Njenga (Dr.), Wanyama Musiambu, and Albert Musasia.

Joint Secretaries of the commission were Oliver Kipchumba Karori and Rachel Maina, while the Chief Counsel was Kioko Kilukumi.

Concurrently, Ruto appointed a fourteen-member team to investigate the regulatory framework of religious organizations in the nation. Mutava Musyimi, the former secretary-general of the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), is the team’s leader.

Among the other members are Deliverance Church Bishop Mark Kariuki, Bishop Eli Rop, Archbishop Mauhatia Muhatia, and renowned family attorney Judy Thongori.

Update on 1994 Devil Worship Probe Team Handpicked by Mzee Moi