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HomeNews University Students Stage Protests Over HELB Delays

 University Students Stage Protests Over HELB Delays

 University Students Stage Protests Over HELB Delays

Multimedia University students on Tuesday took to the streets of Rongai, protesting the delayed release of Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) funds.

The students chanted songs as they blocked Magadi Road which is the main entry into Ongata Rongai Town, Kajiado County. 

They lit tires and bonfires while chanting phrases like ‘the struggle continues’ alluding to their relentless push for action.

The students engaged security officers in running battles, prompting them to use teargas to disperse the crowds.

Delays in the release of HELB funds have seen students, mostly from low-income households, go through untold suffering even after the government promised to release the funds on time. 

The months-long uproar attracted the attention of national leaders including Embakasi East MP Babu Owino who asked the government to release funds to cushion students from tough economic realities. 


Speaking recently, Owino noted that students are suffering because they have no money to cater to their needs.

“Comrades are very hungry and angry at the same time. Students cannot go to class because HELB has not been released hence cannot pay fees” Owino noted.

“Students cannot buy food…cannot afford accommodation because there is no money. Students cannot get money for transport…”

The parliamentarian called on the Treasury CS Prof. Ndung’u to work with HELB and release the funds soon.

“Move with speed and release the money to comrades in various universities. HELB must never delay. This money is very little and it is never sufficient and you are delaying it, he imported”

The current president of Kenya Universities Students Organization (KUSO), Antony Manyara had earlier said that the Higher Education Loans Board had agreed to allocate the funds this week.

 University Students Stage Protests Over HELB Delays