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HomeNewsUDA Tracks Assault Case Against Member: Kitui East MP Accused

UDA Tracks Assault Case Against Member: Kitui East MP Accused

UDA Tracks Assault Case Against Member: Kitui East MP Accused

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) confirmed on Wednesday, July 5 that it is closely monitoring the case of its member, Kitui East MP Nimrod Mbai, who is accused of assaulting a Kenya Power employee.

A source with knowledge of the situation confirmed to GossipA2Z that the police are investigating the incident as a criminal matter.

He added that the party’s actions would be by the findings of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) once investigations were complete.

“At present, this is a criminal matter. “We are keeping an eye on the situation to see how it develops,” a source who requested anonymity stated.

Gossip was unsuccessful in contacting UDA Secretary-General Cleophas Malala because he did not respond to our calls and texts.

Possible Outcome

If the MP is found to be at fault by the police, the UDA can compel him to appear before the disciplinary committee to answer for his actions.

After the meeting, the committee makes recommendations regarding the appropriate disciplinary measures for the accused.

Earlier, DCI agents confiscated Mbai’s firearm after he accompanied them to his Kitengela-based residence.

By section 114 of the Firearms Act, a court may, upon the request of a police officer, customs officer, or licensing officer, order the destruction or other disposition of any firearm or ammunition seized and detained under this Act.

ALSO READ: MP Nimrod Mbai Arrested for Assaulting Kenya Power Employee

Mbai was brought before the Kajiado Law Courts on Wednesday morning, but he did not enter a plea, so the case was referred to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP).

Kenya Power MD Statement

Joseph Siror, the managing director of Kenya Power, condemned Mbai’s actions and explained that the assaulted employee was conducting routine surveillance of the power network to prevent illegal activity.

“While working to eliminate illegal and dangerous connections from the network, we have observed a disturbing trend of violent attacks against our employees.

Nimrod Mbai, the Member of Parliament for Kitui East, attacked our staff on July 3 in Kitengela, the most recent of these incidents, he noted.

The CEO of Kenya Power pleaded with security agencies to protect them while performing their duties.

“We have brought this matter to the attention of the appropriate authorities, and it is now before the courts. As an organization that prioritizes the safety of its employees and the general public, we condemn this incident and wish to state categorically that we do not condone any form of violence, at least not against our employees while they are on official duty,’ he added.

On Tuesday, July 4, a video went viral of an MP assaulting a Kenya Power technician to the point where he attempted to pull out his gun.
The lawmaker turned himself in at the Kitengela Police Station 24 hours later.

UDA Tracks Assault Case Against Member: Kitui East MP Accused