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HomeNewsRobbery Foiled: Police Fatally Shoot Pastor in Act

Robbery Foiled: Police Fatally Shoot Pastor in Act

Robbery Foiled: Police Fatally Shoot Pastor in Act

On Sunday, law enforcement in Kitui resorted to gunfire, resulting in the death of a pastor caught in the act of robbing a shop owner at Kavisuni market in the county.

Reports suggested that the unnamed pastor was allegedly involved in attempting to rob the shop owner, accompanied by a member of one of his congregations.

The pair posed as law enforcement officials when they arrived at the store, claiming to be investigating the potential sale of stolen merchandise.

“They presented themselves as police officers from Kitui Police Station tracking stolen goods and demanded to check my stock. Once inside the shop they drew guns and ordered me and the night guard to lie down,” the shop attendant told the police.

Not long after, there was a disturbance that caught the attention of nearby police officers, prompting them to react quickly.

Upon reaching the store, the authorities discovered the clergyman and his partner intimidating the shop proprietor following their theft of Ksh5,000 from the cash register.


They commanded them to give themselves up, resulting in a gunfight that resulted in the pastor’s death. Upon inspecting his body, authorities found a replica firearm and a dagger.

According to a police report, the pastor oversaw the administration of two churches and deceived a friend by falsely claiming he needed to transport church equipment while borrowing a motorcycle.

Samuel Bett, the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) for Kitui County, informed the media that the police lacked information regarding the occupations of the robbers.

He disclosed that his employment at the Ministry emerged following the shooting incident.

“The information about the robber being a pastor emerged later after his body had been taken to the mortuary,” he stated.

Witnesses informed the media that the individual who passed away held a high-ranking role within the church and commanded respect within the community.

“The community around was shocked that a pastor they knew was not only involved in a robbery with violence but also killed in a shootout with police,” Kalimani location Chief Cyrus Kitwai Malombe told the press.

The partner fled while wounded, prompting law enforcement to launch a hunt for him.

Robbery Foiled: Police Fatally Shoot Pastor in Act