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Relative Held Nurses at Gunpoint Inside Naivasha Hospital for 4 Hours – Health Worker

Relative Held Nurses at Gunpoint Inside Naivasha Hospital for 4 Hours – Health Worker

A gathering of healthcare professionals nationwide is calling for intervention following a significant increase in incidents where they have been assaulted while performing their duties.

On Thursday, the caucus, comprising the Kenya National Union of Nurses (KNUN) and Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists Dentists Union (KMPDU), emphasized an occurrence wherein a family member threatened Naivasha Level 4 Hospital staff with a firearm while they were attending to a patient.

An individual familiar with the situation informed PoliticalPulseChat that the man holding the gun was not satisfied with the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) being performed on his family member.

A person lying next to a gun.

Consequently, he drew the firearm, compelling the clinician to flee to safety and take shelter in another room.

“The relative was a gun holder and he brandished a pistol. What happened was the (hospital) took a patient whose condition was probably critical and he was being resuscitated. The relative claimed that the CPR would kill the patient,” stated the source.

“The relative got hysteric and started attacking them. He brandished a pistol. The clinicians ran away and locked themselves in a room. The man kept telling the clinicians that the bullet could go through the door.”

The incident occurred towards the end of 2023.


In their most recent request, the union caucus contended that such occurrences had become widespread across regions extending to Kisii and Migori counties.

“It is however worth noting that attacks on health workers have been on an upward trend and assailants are not held to account in most of the cases. Just the other day, health workers in Naivasha level 4 hospital were threatened at gunpoint. The police appeared 4 hours later. There are similar cases like the one in Migori and Kisii where assailants were indeed state officers and people who are expected to carry themselves with the utmost decorum.,” read the letter in part.

“It is concerning that almost all hospitals do not have scanners and anybody can get into the hospital with weapons without forgetting that several people seeking attention are mentally unwell. Health workers are exposed to these criminal acts, especially during night duty.”

Consequently, the caucus urged the immediate apprehension of those responsible and urged the government to improve security monitoring and intervention procedures in health facilities nationwide.

Healthcare professionals are also requesting the presence of armed security personnel at all healthcare facilities, particularly during nighttime shifts.

Medical professionals engaging in demonstration.

Relative Held Nurses at Gunpoint Inside Naivasha Hospital for 4 Hours – Health Worker