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HomeNewsPolice Suspect Pastor Ezekiel Odero Linked to Shakahola Deaths

Police Suspect Pastor Ezekiel Odero Linked to Shakahola Deaths

Police Suspect Pastor Ezekiel Odero Linked to Shakahola Deaths

Ezekiel Odero, the flamboyant leader of the New Life Prayer Centre and Church, was arrested on Thursday in the coastal town of Malindi on charges of “mass killing” his followers.

According to prosecutors, Odero is suspected of murder, assisting in suicide, abduction, radicalization, crimes against humanity, child cruelty, fraud, and money laundering.

The state has linked televangelist Ezekiel Ombok Odero to Kilifi cult leader Paul Mackenize, describing the two as individuals who share a history of business investments, particularly the television station previously used to spread radicalized messages to their followers.

The court heard that some of these followers are believed to be among the hundreds of bodies exhumed so far on Shakahola-affiliated land belonging to Mackenzie.

The state asserts in documents filed with the Shanzu Court that it has traced financial transactions between the two parties that led to the purchase of Times TV, which was previously owned by Mackenzie.

State Counsels Jami Yamina and Peter Kiprop told Shanzu Chief Magistrate Joe Omido, “The respondent (Pastor Ezekiel) runs Times Television. Which investigations have revealed he paid Sh500,000 as part payment for its purchase from Mackenzie. Who is currently under investigation in matters related to the Shakahola massacre of innocent and vulnerable Kenyans.”

ALSO READ: Explore the Expansive Sanctuary of Pastor Odero’s International Church

The senior state counsels, citing an affidavit sworn by Mr. George Muriuki of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations. Stated that there is a suspicion that some of the victims whose bodies were exhumed from the Shakahola land. Had visited Pastor Ezekiel’s church for spiritual intervention.

The court also heard that between 2022 and 2023. Multiple deaths occurred at the New Life Ministry in Mavueni. And were recorded at the Kilifi police station under different occurrence book numbers. According to the prosecutors, this lends credibility to the intelligence information regarding deaths at the aforementioned church precincts.

“There is credible evidence linking the bodies exhumed from the 800 acres located in Shakahola. Associated with Mackenzie and his accomplices. To several innocent and vulnerable followers of his ministry who are believed to have perished in their quest for divine intervention from Pastor Ezekiel,” said Mr. Yamina.

Private funeral home

The court also heard that according to intelligence information. The bodies of innocent and vulnerable Pastor Ezekiel followers were preserved at a privately run mortuary in Kilifi. Before being transported to Shakahola forest for burial.

“This information is the subject of ongoing investigations.” Mr. Muriuki stated in an affidavit in support of his request to detain Ezekiel for 30 days. To allow for the conclusion of investigations.

Moreover, it was discovered that the police had collected various burial permits. Issued to a number of individuals whose names and contact information have been disclosed. The prosecution and police assert that these witnesses are susceptible to influence by the defendant. If he is released prior to the conclusion of their investigation into the shocking mass killings at Shakahola.

“We are concerned that Pastor Ezekiel may interfere with potential witnesses. Before getting to the bottom of whether dead bodies were indeed released to relatives for burial. Or buried at Shakahola in mysterious circumstances.

In the case of Mackenzie, the court heard that ongoing investigations indicate that his followers sold their earthly possessions. And gave him the proceeds as part of their preparation to meet their Creator.

“It is now necessary to determine whether Mackenzie and Pastor Ezekiel have engaged in any other transactions that border on money laundering,” said the investigator.

ALSO READ: Wife of Pastor Ezekiel Odero Suspends New Life Church Services Amid Kilifi Cult Death Probe

Being a matter of public interest and the nature of the alleged offenses. The prosecution argued that it is in the respondent’s best interest to remain in custody. Pending the conclusion of all investigations for his own safety.

“I intend to conduct investigations to establish a connection between Pastor Ezekiel and Mackenzie’s extortion of vulnerable individuals. And their laundering of the proceeds through the establishment of institutions. Such as schools, gas stations, farms, a media house, and other institutions,” the officer said.

Mr. Muriuki also stated in the affidavit that he intends to investigate a possible violation of the Public Health Act. By the respondent as a result of his actions of persuading his followers to forgo various communicable medical treatment methods. And ultimately crowding people suffering from various communicable diseases in a confined space in the name of divine healing.

“As perpetrated, these offenses are indicative of a criminal organization as defined in Section 2 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act. “The nature, gravity, and seriousness of the crimes under investigation constitute compelling grounds to deny bail at this time and support the respondents’ continued detention,” he stated.

The court has been informed that Ezekiel is being investigated for conspiring to commit serious crimes, including but not limited to murder, assisting suicide, abduction, radicalization, genocide, crimes against humanity, child cruelty, fraud, and money laundering, as well as for being an accessory before or after the fact.


However, Ezekiel criticized the police for incompetence, stating that the state is attempting desperately to link him to the Shakahola massacre despite the fact that he was not involved in the alleged murders.

Ezekiel maintained through his attorney Jared Magolo that he is innocent and has never been involved in the Shakahola mass murders.

“The prosecution’s allegations are based on conjecture, innuendo, and a disjointed argument. Despair is extremely hazardous. The state is desperate regarding the situation in Shakahola. Mackenzie and the deaths of hundreds in Shakahola are not associated with Ezekiel. Magolo posed the question, “Where were the police when hundreds were murdered and buried in shallow graves?”

“Massacres and mass burials occurred under government supervision. These hundreds of people perished as security agencies drew salaries from the public treasury in an effort to protect them,” Magolo explained.

The religious leader appeared to have admitted to purchasing the television station from Mackenzie, but he stated that the purchase should not be associated with the Shakahola massacre.

“The purchase of the television has no relation to the Shakahola murders.” If such an analogy were to be sustained, then all of us who have purchased pre-owned vehicles would be held liable for the crimes committed by their previous owners, including their domestic disputes, Magolo said.

ALSO READ: Pastor Ezekiel’s Lawyer Jared Magolo delivers scorching rebuttals in court

Mr. Magolo also stated that his client should not be blamed or held accountable for the presumed deaths of the people, regardless of whether or not these deaths occurred on the premises of his church, as death can strike anywhere.

“People seek spiritual intervention in their final moments, after all medical interventions have failed.” Now, if such a person dies, are we to turn to the pastor and hold him responsible?” Querying the advocate.

The attorney stated that the police and the DPP should have presented a draft charge when seeking to detain his client, rather than coming to court with unsubstantiated allegations and no evidence to restrict his client’s rights.

Mr. Kiprop insisted, however, that there is sufficient evidence linking Ezekiel and Mackenzie based on police interrogations and interviews already conducted, as well as their commercial transaction.

Police Suspect Pastor Ezekiel Odero Linked to Shakahola Deaths