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HomeNewsParliament to receive a request on Haiti mission next week – Kindiki

Parliament to receive a request on Haiti mission next week – Kindiki

Parliament to receive a request on Haiti mission next week – Kindiki

The government has emphasized that it won’t use shortcuts to deploy Kenyan police officers to Haiti as requested by the United Nations Security Council.

On Saturday, Interior CS Kithure Kindiki said the request for deployment will be submitted to Parliament next week for approval.

“The National Security Council chaired by President William Ruto met yesterday (Friday) and approved the deployment request for submission to Parliament next week by Article 240 of the Constitution,” he said.

Kindiki assured Kenyans that Members of Parliament are expected to deliberate on the request and make a decision in their best interest.

He also insisted that the deployment would not in any way compromise or undermine the capacity of Kenya’s security forces to safeguard the country’s safety and security.

The CS was speaking during a fundraising event at Kunene Mixed Day Secondary School in Meru County.

This will not be the first time Kenya will be going on a peacekeeping mission outside the country.

Kenyan troops have been to Namibia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Somalia and Congo.

Haiti has been grappling with a surge in violence since the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 at his private residence in the capital, Port-au-Prince, triggering calls for a security intervention to complement the efforts of understaffed and under-resourced Haiti national police force.


The United Nations Security Council on October 2, 2023, passed a resolution to deploy an international security force to Haiti, led by Kenya.

Kenya plans to send more than 1,000 police officers to combat gangs in the Caribbean country. 

Already, the first group of police officers to be deployed have started strenuous training ahead of the mission which many pundits have termed as dangerous.

The group of about 200 officers was sent to Nandi Hills where they started the training on October 10, 2023.

Officials aware of the developments said the team would later move to Magadi, Isiolo, Kitui, and Embakasi before being sent to the mission.

However, a Nairobi court on Monday stopped temporarily the planned deployment of police officers to Haiti.

Justice Chacha Mwita stopped Kindiki from deploying the unit until a case filed by Thirdway Alliance was heard and determined.

“A conservatory order is hereby issued restraining the respondents from deploying police officers to Haiti or any other country until 24th October 2023,” read part of the order.

The Third Way Alliance party leader Ekuru Aukot sued President William Ruto and his administration in a bid to block the peacekeeping mission that will see the deployment of at least 1,000 police officers to the gang-ridden nation.


On Saturday, however, the President confirmed to the country that the government is ready to deploy the officers for the Haiti mission subject to parliamentary approval.

The President sought to allay fears that the mission is dangerous saying Kenya’s participation in the mission contributes to its renowned anchor role in contributing to international peace and security.

“Our value proposition for this mission is an impressive record of participation in Peace Support operations across the world, 46 missions in all since we got independence,” the President said.

“To this end, we are engaged in consultations with a wide range of actors across the globe to ensure that we do not put the mission into harm’s way. Based on the consultations, all measures will be taken to prepare and equip our contingent for success.”

Ruto further said the mission will help the Kenyan forces to improve and sharpen their competencies, skills, and experiences in providing security.

“I urge all Kenyans to support our National Police Service as it undertakes this noble duty of care, as a responsible member of the international Community,” he said.

Parliament to receive a request on Haiti mission next week – Kindiki