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HomeNewsParents Storm Into School, Burn Down Property In Protest Against Alleged Land-Grabbing

Parents Storm Into School, Burn Down Property In Protest Against Alleged Land-Grabbing

Parents Storm Into School, Burn Down Property In Protest Against Alleged Land-Grabbing

On Tuesday, January 9, all activities at Mawingu Primary School in Ol-Kalou Constituency, Nyandarua County came to a halt.

This occurred after parents and students protested setting fire to a fence that had been put up at the school over the course of a 2-month break.

The parents participating in the protest alleged that some influential locals in the vicinity had put up the fence as a pretense to seize the property.

“We came to witness how this person fenced the school even after we went for public participation at Mawingu Hospital on the issue,” one of the protesting parents told the press.

The parents expressed dissatisfaction that, just three days following the public involvement, the accused individual marking out the boundaries of the schoolland was reported.

During questioning, he asserted that a commissioner at Ardhi House had given him ownership rights to the land.

“We shall not accept that anyone comes from nowhere and fences the land and we are waiting for the second participation over the matter,” the parents vowed.


The demonstrations occurred on the initial day of school resuming for the first semester, causing a halt to the commencement of educational tasks.

It wasn’t stated whether the school administration participated in enclosing the school premises with a fence.

Moreover, the individual responsible for putting up the fence did not indicate whether they intended to take the matter to a legal court.

This occurred a few days following a protest by Mavoko area residents in Athi River, where they accused a different influential person of attempting to take possession of school property in the region.

The enraged locals marched to Joska Police Station in Mavoko, alleging that a high-ranking investigator from the vicinity had conspired with a businessperson to unlawfully seize the property.

Entrance of Ardhi House along Ngong Road in Nairobi.

Parents Storm Into School, Burn Down Property In Protest Against Alleged Land-Grabbing