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HomeNewsODPP Seeks 180-Day Extension for Pastor Mackenzie & Co-Accused Awaiting DNA Result

ODPP Seeks 180-Day Extension for Pastor Mackenzie & Co-Accused Awaiting DNA Result

ODPP Seeks 180-Day Extension for Pastor Mackenzie & Co-Accused Awaiting DNA Result

According to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), significant progress has been made in uncovering the truth behind the Shakahola Massacre.

DPP Renson Ingonga stated in a statement issued on Wednesday that they are currently anticipating the results of the government-conducted DNA analysis, which will be made available in two or three months.

In the meantime, Ingonga stated that his office will petition the court to detain Pastor Paul Mackenzie, his 18 co-suspects, and 65 survivors for an additional 180 days until the analysis is complete.

“The continued detention of the suspects is necessitated by the fact that DNA analysis is incomplete and the process is lengthy because the number of bodies to be analyzed against the number of DNA samples from relatives of the deceased,” said Ingonga.

Mackenzie and his 18 co-suspects will have their cases heard on October 19, while the survivors’ cases will be heard on October 23.


“The Prosecution team handling the Shakahola massacre case will review the investigation files between 23rd and 28th October 2023, to determine whether or not the facts disclose any criminal culpability,” Ingonga noted.

The DPP asserted that they will continue to promote human rights and ensure that those proven to be responsible are prosecuted.

The government pathologist had performed autopsies on 364 carcasses exhumed from the Shakahola forest by the end of July.

The exhumation process was halted in July to enable the post-mortem examination of the bodies that had been transported to the sub-county hospital morgue in Malindi.

As part of a criminal investigation, government pathologist Johansen Oduor had previously indicated that the results of the autopsies would be disclosed simultaneously.

Meanwhile, families whose relatives’ bodies were exhumed are requesting the release of DNA profiles to facilitate the return and subsequent burial of their loved ones.

ODPP Seeks 180-Day Extension for Pastor Mackenzie & Co-Accused Awaiting DNA Result