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HomeNewsODM’s John Mbadi Criticises Luo Lavish Funerals Yet Development is Low

ODM’s John Mbadi Criticises Luo Lavish Funerals Yet Development is Low

ODM’s John Mbadi Criticises Luo Lavish Funerals Yet Development is Low

John Mbadi, the National Chairman of the ODM party, has alleged that the Luo community places more emphasis on attending funerals rather than focusing on development initiatives.

Mr. Mbadi asserts that instead of allocating funds towards developmental projects, the community expends considerable resources on funeral arrangements.

He asserts that this is one of the factors contributing to the slower economic development in the lake region.

In contemporary Luo culture, funerals are marked by lavish buffets, extravagant vehicles, trendy attire, and various other expenditures.

All this costs a lot of money.

Indeed, arranging a funeral for a person recently acquainted in their local community would necessitate a family expenditure exceeding Sh300,000 to address various associated costs.

The expenses may escalate significantly, reaching into the millions if the deceased individual holds a notable position.

Mr. Mbadi remarked that the cost of funerals had risen due to the abandonment of traditional practices, such as the use of ropes by pallbearers to lower coffins into graves.

Instead, a coffin is lowered with a piece of equipment that is hired.

“The hearse used to transport the body has also been modified, with some having a trolley at the back where the coffin is placed. All this makes funerals expensive,” says Mbadi.

Consequently, the majority of individuals seek financial assistance from friends when they experience a loss.


Mr. Mbadi expressed that certain costs associated with funerals are deemed unnecessary by him.

“We have not prioritized important things. We are too attached to funerals,” he said.

The MP who was nominated stated that numerous individuals partake in funeral proceedings.

He mentioned that among those participating in funerals are politicians who move from one funeral to the next.

Mr. Mbadi clarified that there’s no harm in politicians attending funerals, emphasizing its significance.

“As a leader, you must ensure that you comfort the bereaved families when you have the opportunity. They are the people who vote for leaders,” said the ODM leader.

He mentioned that it’s customary for politicians to attend funerals, highlighting the instance of US President Joe Biden’s trip to London on September 19, 2022, to pay his respects at the funeral of the late Queen of England, Elizabeth II.

Nevertheless, he voiced apprehension regarding the expenses associated with the entire procedure of burying a body.

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As per the nominated Member of Parliament’s findings, he undertook an investigation and discovered that within his electoral area of Suba South, a minimum of 43 individuals would be laid to rest within a week.

In his study, he approximated that every household could potentially expend as much as 200,000 Shillings.

“I found that up to Sh8.6 million is spent on funerals in Suba South in a week. This works out to Sh34.4 million in a month and Sh412 million in a year,” he said.

The Member of Parliament stated that the amount of money exceeds three times the government’s allocation to the constituency via the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF).

He said the same was true in other regions in Nyanza.

“I am not saying we should not bury the dead. But let us be modest in the way we organize funerals,” Mbadi said.

He additionally proposed that individuals attending funerals should opt to dine at home rather than depending on the meals offered by the grieving families.

ODM’s John Mbadi Criticises Luo Lavish Funerals Yet Development is Low