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HomePOLITICSODM Addresses Divisions Over Raila's AU Commission Chairperson Bid

ODM Addresses Divisions Over Raila’s AU Commission Chairperson Bid

ODM Addresses Divisions Over Raila’s AU Commission Chairperson Bid

On Thursday, Edwin Sifuna, the secretary general of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), rejected claims of a power struggle aimed at supplanting Raila Odinga as the party’s leader.

Sifuna affirmed that the party remained unified, emphasizing that Raila’s candidacy for the African Union Commission chairperson position would not cause any disruption to its activities.

However, the party will consistently ensure its members are updated on any forthcoming developments, whether imminent or shortly.

“These virtues form the basis upon which any succession or filling of vacant leadership positions is conducted. If a time ever comes for transitions within the party’s leadership, we will make it public,” read the ODM statement in part.

Sifuna additionally called on the media to refrain from disseminating what he claimed to be a distorted and manipulated pseudo-analysis, which he asserted was carefully orchestrated to sow discord within the party.

He mentioned that the media had fabricated the notion of internal conflicts within the party regarding vacancies that don’t actually exist.


He encouraged party members to remain vigilant against deceptive narratives, particularly as the ODM conducts a widespread recruitment campaign in preparation for local elections.

“The party remains strong, focused on its mandate, and working for the masses in its role as the people’s watchman,” Sifuna stated. 

“We understand politics sells, especially anything revolving around the Rt Hon Odinga, but we urge that the media takes only the truth to the market.”

On February 15, Raila Odinga declared his candidacy for the position of AU Commission chairman, asserting that he was the suitable nominee to succeed Moussa Faki Mahamat, whose tenure concludes this year.

Former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo, serving as the AU Special Envoy, gave his support to Odinga’s candidacy and encouraged fellow African leaders to do the same.

Two days afterward, the ODM party held a gathering to officially support its party leader for the prominent AU position. During a press briefing, Junet Mohamed, the Member of Parliament for Suna East, revealed that the party would plan its approach to further its goals with Raila continuing to lead the way.

ODM Addresses Divisions Over Raila’s AU Commission Chairperson Bid