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HomeNewsNyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo: Why We Visited Ruto at State House

Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo: Why We Visited Ruto at State House

Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo: Why We Visited Ruto at State House

Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo clarified that their visit to State House in Nairobi was driven by developmental goals for the county rather than political interests.

The governor explained that their meeting with President William Ruto was focused on discussing development initiatives to benefit Nyamira and its residents.

This statement followed the release of photos and updates about the visit, which sparked diverse reactions online.

While some residents viewed the visit as a positive step towards national unity, others questioned why certain elected leaders from Nyamira were not included.

Governor Nyaribo emphasized to journalists that the purpose of the visit was to present a development agenda for the county to the President.

The delegation requested President Ruto to revive stalled projects in the county and initiate new ones.

Nyaribo highlighted the need to complete several roads, including the one connecting Kemera to Kegati.

Other unfinished road projects mentioned were in the North Mugirango, West Mugirango, and Borabu constituencies.

He also stressed the urgency of tarmacking the Chabera-Nyamaiya Road through Nyamusi, which would significantly open up the lower parts of North Mugirango and West Mugirango constituencies.

The governor was accompanied to the State House by MPs Stephen Mogaka (West Mugirango), Clive Gisairo (Kitutu Masaba), and Patrick Osero (Borabu).

They collectively urged the President to ensure timely funding for the Sironga Industrial Park and Esanige Stadium.

Completion of the industrial park is expected to generate numerous jobs for locals.

Nyaribo noted that the park would not only enhance local talent but also boost sports, tourism, and county revenue.

North Mugirango MP Joash Nyamoko and Nyamira County Senator Okong’o O’Mogeni were absent from the visit.


Governor Nyaribo explained that some leaders, such as county MP Jerusha Momanyi and ODM-nominated MP Irene Mayaka, missed the meeting due to official duties.

It was confirmed that Ms. Mayaka was in South Africa as an election observer.

Kitutu Masaba MP Clive Gisairo assured his constituents that President Ruto committed to tarmacking the Motemomwamu-Manga Road.

Gisairo recounted how the President immediately contacted Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen to discuss the road’s plans.

He claimed that directives from the President had reached the county’s roads engineer and that construction would commence soon.

The road project aims to enhance the status of Manga Escarpment, Manga Stadium, Manga Sub-county headquarters, schools, and hospitals.

Despite its potential as a historical site and tourist attraction, the Manga Escarpment remains underdeveloped due to impassable roads.

The backlash following the State House visit was anticipated, given the Azimio la Umoja – One Kenya Coalition’s history of reprimanding members who engage with the President.

Nyaribo, elected under the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) – and Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya affiliate party, faced this reaction.

Recently, Azimio defended National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi and Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga for accompanying President Ruto to America, stating that their participation was approved by Raila Odinga.

In 2023, eight ODM legislators who visited the State House faced party discipline and were labeled as traitors.

The ODM leadership has held significant rallies in the constituencies of these MPs to criticize them for betraying the opposition.

Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo: Why We Visited Ruto at State House