Nightmare in Salama, Lamu County: Pamela Ogutu’s Tragic Encounter
The evening of Saturday, June 24 will remain in Pamela Ogutu’s mind forever. She describes the day as being the darkest, most horrific, and most terrifying she has ever experienced.
She is a resident of Salama village in Mkunumbi, Lamu County. One of the villages raided by over 60 armed attackers claiming to be “original Al-Shabaab” on Saturday night.
Before committing the heinous act of murdering five people and torching six houses in the two remote villages of Salama and Juhudi, the attackers split into two groups.
Barrack Hussein, a student at the Bakanja Secondary School in Mpeketoni, Lamu, who was 19 years old, was one of the victims.

Ms. Ogutu is also the guardian of her nephew, Hussein, whom she raised alongside two other siblings, a brother, and a sister after their parents passed away when they were young.
Ms. Ogutu resided with the three children before Hussein met her; she met an untimely end at the hands of the assailants on Saturday. He was at home during the midterm break.
Hussein had just returned home that evening when bandits attacked their farm.
Before being savagely executed, the victims were ordered to lie face down and remain silent.
Ms. Ogutu relates that at approximately 8 p.m. on a fateful day, they were seated in a corner of the compound, conversing joyfully after having welcomed Hussein back from his break.
ALSO READ: Al Shabaab Attack Leaves Five Decapitated, Homes Torched in Lamu County
Over thirty men armed with firearms, pangas, and knives descended upon the homestead, cutting short their conversation.
“I was conversing with my two nephews, including Hussein, whose younger brother is in eighth grade, as well as their sister, a female neighbor. The terrorists appeared out of thin air.
They had flashlights and ordered us to lie on our stomachs. They introduced themselves as ‘Original Al-Shabaab’ on a mission to execute people from what they referred to as ‘their invaded lands,’ according to Ms. Ogutu of GossipA2Z.
Shortly after the introduction, the militants descended upon Hussein and threw him out of every oven. Ms. Ogutu mustered the courage to defend the defenseless secondary school student who begged his attackers to spare his life.
She even stood up and pleaded with Hussein’s attackers to wait until they were shown the student’s identification details as confirmation if that would save his life.
“I leaped and entered the house. Returned Hussein’s letter from Bakanja Secondary School and gave it to the militants. I was trembling in desperation. “As they read the letter, one of them yelled, “No way, just do what’s necessary!”,” explains Ms. Ogutu.
The men tied Hussein’s legs and hands with nylon rope from behind and instructed Ms. Ogutu not to scream but to observe what they would do.
“After tying my nephew’s hands and legs, they stabbed him in the abdomen before slitting his throat. As they approached the eighth-grade boy, he seized the opportunity to escape and ran into hiding, according to Ms. Ogutu.
Ms. Ogutu claims that while one group of attackers was issuing threats and commands, others were searching homes and stealing property.
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“They stole my cash and two mobile phones. They took food items, chickens, and goats with them before torching a store in the compound. There were over ten bags of maize, simsim, and beans at the store. “After robbing the store, they left to continue their assault on the neighborhood,” Ms. Ogutu explained.
Among the other victims of the Saturday attacks was a 60-year-old man named Samuel Chomba Gacurui. Chomba was attacked outside of his home, his hands and feet were bound, and his throat was slashed.
His home was burned and all of his possessions, including seven goats, were stolen. 33-year-old Reuben Mwangi Nyamu, who was blindfolded with a black cloth and had his throat slashed, was killed.
His home was destroyed along with all of his belongings, and twenty goats were stolen.
40-year-old Peter Mureithi Githinji was fatally shot outside of his home. The contents of his home, including a motorcycle, a bicycle, and other household items, were destroyed by fire.
Mwenda alias Sumbua, 38 years old, was assaulted in the Juhudi region. His hands, feet, and throat were bound and severed.
During the nighttime assault that shook the two villages, six homes and property of unknown value were destroyed.
The killings on Saturday caused fear and tension among locals, who pleaded with the government to find a solution to the recurring violence in Lamu’s villages.
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Sunday afternoon, Coast Regional Commissioner Rhoda Onyancha visited the Saturday night attack victims in Lamu.
Ms. Onyancha ordered a massive operation to be conducted in Salama, Juhudi, Marafa, Poromoko, and the surrounding areas to locate the assailants.
“We are here to offer our condolences to the families of the victims of the heinous murder while simultaneously searching for the perpetrators. Ms. Onyancha stated that the government is eager to ensure the security of its citizens and their property.
Today, the Regional Commissioner was scheduled to meet with the county security team, chiefs, and their assistants to discuss Lamu’s security and the ongoing operation.
The meeting will take place at the Mokowe office of the Lamu County Commissioner.
Nightmare in Salama, Lamu County: Pamela Ogutu’s Tragic Encounter