NGO Activists Rally Against PS Omollo’s Directive

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NGO Activists Rally Against PS Omollo’s Directive

The Kenya National Civil Society Centre (KNCSC) has urged Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Public Benefit Organizations (PBOS) to disregard a directive issued by Interior Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo requiring the institutions to align themselves with the government’s Bottom-up Transformation Agenda (BETA).

Suba Churchill, executive director of the KNCSC, argued in a statement dated September 10 that the directive runs contrary to the values of non-partisanship, non-discrimination, transparency, and accountability that form the basis of civil society organizations.

He added that impartial and impartial organizations cannot align themselves with a government whose leadership has been explicitly described as a shareholder-owned corporation.

Churchill reiterated that the companies are independent, self-governing, and autonomous organizations premised on carrying out their activities without interference from the government.

“Private entities cannot be lumped together with Government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) and directed based on a partisan political preference and leaning like the ruling Kenya Kwanza Alliance’s Bottom-up Transformation Agenda that even some of its own members cannot articulate,” read part of the statement.

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Churchill accused PS Omollo of orchestrating a plan to control and influence Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and have them toe the line of the government.

“KNCSC would like to remind the PS and the Kenya Kwanza administration that he seems to serve with the zeal of the ruling coalition’s pledge to operationalize the Public Benefit Organizations Act of 2013, which is yet to be operationalized despite two High Court directives and assurances by the government to commence the law,” he added.

PS Omollo announced on the 8th of September when he issued the directive, that it would ensure greater partnership and synergy between aid industry stakeholders.

Omollo explained that the decision was influenced by the realization that the donor aid paradigm served only the interests of international donor organizations, rather than Kenya’s development agenda.

“Our prime focus is on optimizing the value of all projects and programs funded through international aid to ensure they complement our developmental plan outlined in the bottom-up agenda,” the PS stated.

The NGO’s contribution to the economy increased to Ksh185.5 billion in the fiscal year 2021/22 from Ksh175.9 billion in the previous fiscal year.

NGO Activists Rally Against PS Omollo’s Directive