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HomeNewsMPs Set 2-Week Deadline for KICC Land Ownership Proof

MPs Set 2-Week Deadline for KICC Land Ownership Proof

MPs Set 2-Week Deadline for KICC Land Ownership Proof

The Public Investments Committee on Commercial Affairs & Energy of the National Assembly has given the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) two weeks to produce proof of land ownership.

This comes at a time when KICC management and Nairobi City County are at odds over the possession of the land on which a restaurant is situated.

David Pkosing, chairman of the committee, stated that the listed value only comprises the building, as the surrounding areas are unallocated government land.

The Committee issued this directive when it questioned KICC management regarding audit queries in the agency’s accounts for fiscal years 2019/2020 to 2020/2021.

According to their records, KICC has also violated tenancy agreements with debts totaling up to Ksh 36 billion.

This is a result of the erstwhile private secretary of former president Uhuru Kenyatta occupying the 18th floor between 1 July 2013 and 1 July 2016.


Ms. Patricia Ondeng, the acting managing director of the KICC, stated that the issue had been brought to the attention of the previous Committee, which had observed that correspondences from the Government had never acknowledged that it had provided office space to the retired president.

Legislators wanted to know what measures the KICC administration had taken to recover the funds and whether the lease agreement for the aforementioned floor had been formalized.

“If indeed this revenue has been lost what efforts has the Corporation put in place for recovery?” posed Pokot South MP David Pkosing asked.

According to the report, it was doubtful and impossible to collect the debt.

According to the management, unjust trade balances and other receivables totaled Ksh 829 Million as of June 2020, prompting additional concerns from MPS.

KICC, a 32-story building in Nairobi’s City Square, is a crucial address for several government offices, including those of newly-elected Senators.

An aerial view of MPs during a Parliamentary Committee on Energy on Tuesday, July 18, 2023

MPs Set 2-Week Deadline for KICC Land Ownership Proof