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HomeNewsKisii Vigilantes Confront Alleged GSU Officer Behind Violent Crime Spree

Kisii Vigilantes Confront Alleged GSU Officer Behind Violent Crime Spree

Kisii Vigilantes Confront Alleged GSU Officer Behind Violent Crime Spree

A law enforcement officer, facing allegations of involvement in multiple violent robbery cases in Kisii County, has been apprehended. He was rescued from a furious mob that had cornered and assaulted him.

Constable Edgar Opollo, a member of the General Service Unit, is alleged to have stolen a smartphone from a Kisii University student on February 3. Subsequently, an angry crowd assaulted him.

He was rescued by his colleagues on patrol.

“On inquiry, the officers established that the suspect had robbed a smartphone from a Kisii University student, and on frisking the injured suspect found the phone. He was arrested and escorted to the station,” said the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) in a statement on Tuesday.

The constable is additionally associated with an armed group that carried out a robbery at a nearby grocery store, stealing Ksh.40,000 on January 2.


Investigators report that the event was recorded on surveillance cameras, revealing three individuals involved in the robbery. These perpetrators had partially concealed their faces, with two of them carrying weapons – one wielding an AK47 rifle, and the other brandishing a pistol.

“The rifle bearer had police fatigues on, but it was not apparent that he was a police officer. Following Opollo’s arrest, an identification parade was conducted where the supermarket owner successfully identified him as one of the robbers who accosted him,” the DCI said.

Law enforcement is currently in pursuit of the remaining pair.

The GSU officer is currently recovering at a Kisii hospital under police supervision, awaiting questioning and subsequent legal proceedings. Charges of robbery with violence will be brought against him, as stated by the investigative agency.

Kisii Vigilantes Confront Alleged GSU Officer Behind Violent Crime Spree